apterous history: April 2024

Here's your handy cut-out-and-keep guide to the events of April 2024.

In the news...

Pro Ranks

The top three players at the end of the month:-

  1. Up 2 from 3rd 1st. Ahmed M
    Pro Rank: 1861 (+38)

  2. Down 1 from 1st 2nd. Elliott Mellor
    Pro Rank: 1837 (-24)

  3. Down 1 from 2nd 3rd. Jack Worsley
    Pro Rank: 1799 (-32)

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Monthly Top Scores

FormatTop scorePopularity
15 Rounder166 by Zohaib Rehan12,173 games with 259 players
Conundrum Attack200 by Ahmed M ×11
200 by Hazel Drury ×3
200 by Rob Foster ×3
200 by Chris Hare ×2
200 by Stu Harkness
200 by Zohaib Rehan
1,338 games with 80 players
Numbers Attack200 by Tal Lessner ×2
200 by Ian Wray
200 by Jon Elmer
200 by Mike Lee
200 by Patrick Thompson
200 by Slope Cutter
200 by Tom Cappleman
536 games with 66 players
Letters Attack196 by Conor Travers211 games with 62 players
9 Rounder106 by Gabriel Thallon539 games with 50 players
Lockdown 975 by Jack Worsley81 games with 44 players
Hyper Nasty Numbers Attack180 by Matthew Tassier224 games with 43 players
Touchdown Letters Attack166 by Zohaib Rehan49 games with 43 players
Bullet 969 by Chris Hare82 games with 40 players
Goatundrum Attack180 by Chris Hare ×248 games with 38 players

Only the month's 10 most popular formats are shown.

Facts and Figures

This month, apterous gained 37 new users, taking us to 14,389 in total. A total of 357,122 rounds were played over 24,462 games.

The Duel was won by Chris Hare with 2999 points from 30 games. Second was Matt OC with 2843 points from 30 games, and third Ray Wilding with 2834 points from 30 games.

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Page generated in 0.0031 seconds. It's 05:58:05 on Sunday 8 September 2024 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2024. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.