Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Always keen Zarte. Reckon you'll be back playing Innis this time or another series off?

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre It'll either be Innis or another person putting in an immense performance.

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Definitely in but a more generous draw please !

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Random is as random does! I'll cross my fingers for you Tracey.

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Hopefully Matt :)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison MORE PEOPLE

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Decent number now. Imagine we'll begin as soon as COC is done.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Did you mean the real life COC? :P

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison haha. TONIGHT!

James Laverty

James Laverty Jamie M will kick off proceedings.... that could be a little bit difficult

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison why?

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Because he's left.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison so it won't be him then. solved.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I'll go and crank out an order now. Fixture shortly!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thought I'd better throw him an aptomail first.... does anyone know him on Facebook or something?

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Yes - I spoke to him already, he's not coming back imminently.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison ah, much appreciated, thanks zx

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Presumably your aptomail/notifications aren't working, Matt? The latest game was played two days ago.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Correct. Thanks for reminder Rhys.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I should add they worked for every game up until that one!

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I officially quit Aptosos - I'm cursed in this damn series :P

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Sorry, not allowed to quit.

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck Appropriate movie for the next match:

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Ironically an ex-girlfriend's (i.e. not Heather!) favourite movie.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Matthew Tassier in "missing numbers round" shocker...

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Shag. somehow missed the gevin-mark email. Will get another new game up tonight.

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck How many heats are left?

Show all comments
Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 8

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Sorry, 7. Didn't take note of David champing.

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck Thx

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Hold on. Gotta get Charlie to extend again.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison That's it. Last fixture up, to decide next season's initial championship, and our top 8 is sorted. Finals to follow.

League Table

Highlighted players are the current finalists.

Jack Worsley4505
David Barnard4445
Matthew Brockwell4442
Giles H4413
Johnny Canuck3436
Mark James3398
Lee Simmonds3391
Ben Hocking3379
Matthew Tassier3359
Ray Wilding2303
Michelle N2250
Zarte Siempre1223
James Robinson1211
Thomas Carey1198
Jon Stitcher1195
James Hurrell1188
James Rowan1188
Anthony Endsor1175
Andy SC1159
Heather Badcock1140
Matt OC196
Amie Bateen0104
Tom Cappleman096
Marcus Hares093
Tracey Mills092
Gevin Chapwell091
Charlie Reams089
Jason Turner088
Graeme Cole087
George Ford087
James Laverty086
Adam Dexter084
Transude Transude083
Gary Francis Campbell082
Alan Young081
Jordan F081
Sean Fletcher080
Chris Marshall079
Matt Morrison078
Jonathan Wynn077
Heather Styles076
Adam Finlay074
Jayne Wisniewski073
Robert Miller070
Brett Davids070
Matty Artell069
Ian Volante068
Ed Byrne061
Joe F043
Rhys Benjamin036

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 05

<< COC.I | 05.Finals >>

Notes from the organizer: Well hello everyone!

Series 4 was the smoothest and loveliest yet, so you've all got big wordy boots to fill for this, series 5 of aptoSOS, the kind-of simulation of a series of real-life Countdown.

Time limits will be the same as series 4 - a 5 DAY turnaround which worked great nearly every time. As before a one-time 2-3 DAY extension is available for any player with a decent reason.

All players eligible to enter this one. No one excluded. Random and secretive draw as usual.

The series 4 finals are beginning now, but before series 5 begins we'll also have the inaugural aptoCOC featuring (hopefully) the top 16 players in the tournament's history thus far.

Again I'll probably wait until we have 50-ish players before kicking off, and leave signups open for a couple of weeks after the start.

Jamie M will kick off proceedings, starting as he does with 3 wins and 326 points.

Ran from: 1 March 2015 – 13 January 2016. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matt Morrison.

Signed up: Charlie Reams, Jon Stitcher, Gevin Chapwell, Ian Volante, James Hurrell, Lee Simmonds, Tom Cappleman, Tom Rowell, Adam Dexter, Andrew Hulme, Matthew Tassier, Transude Transude, Matt Morrison, Jason Turner, Marcus Hares, James Robinson, Jonathan Wynn, Chris Marshall, Amie Bateen, Jordan F, Jayne Wisniewski, Mark James, Johnny Canuck, Graeme Cole, Giles H, Rhys Benjamin, Martin Long, Tracey Mills, Michelle N, Thomas Carey, Matt OC, David Barnard, Joe F, Jack Worsley, James Rowan, Heather Styles, Zarte Siempre, Matthew Brockwell, James Laverty, Anthony Endsor, James Bailes, Ray Wilding, Dave Nicholson, Callum Todd, Ed Byrne, Alan Young, Adam Finlay, Brett Davids, George Ford, Ben Hocking, Sean Fletcher, Usman Mirza, A J Brown, Matty Artell, Robert Miller, Steve Redfern, Andy SC, Gary Francis Campbell.

Fixtures: 45. Completed: 45.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
Jamie M retires gracefullyJon StitcherJordan F101 – 81
Jon (1)Jon StitcherJack Worsley94 – 128
Jack (1)Amie BateenJack Worsley104 – 122
Jack (2)Transude TransudeJack Worsley83 – 140
Jack (3)Jack WorsleyGeorge Ford115 – 87
Jack (4)Joe FJames Rowan43 – 102
James R (1)James HurrellJames Rowan98 – 86
James H (1)James HurrellBen Hocking90 – 99
Ben H (1)James LavertyBen Hocking86 – 93
Ben H (2)Ben HockingGary Francis Campbell92 – 82
Ben H (3)Lee SimmondsBen Hocking115 – 95
Lee (1)Lee SimmondsBrett Davids88 – 70
Lee (2)Lee SimmondsTom Cappleman97 – 96
Lee (3)Lee SimmondsZarte Siempre91 – 121
Zarte (1)Thomas CareyZarte Siempre114 – 102
Thomas (1)Thomas CareyRay Wilding84 – 98
Ray (1)Adam DexterRay Wilding84 – 96
Ray (2)James RobinsonRay Wilding115 – 109
Robbo (1)James RobinsonMatthew Brockwell96 – 105
Matthew (1)Matthew BrockwellAdam Finlay110 – 74
Matthew (2)Matthew BrockwellMatty Artell105 – 69
Matthew (3)Marcus HaresMatthew Brockwell93 – 122
Matthew (4)Heather BadcockHeather Styles86 – 76
Heather (1)Heather BadcockAndy SC54 – 89
Andy (1)Michelle NAndy SC95 – 70
Michelle (1)Ian VolanteMichelle N68 – 84
Michelle (2)Matthew TassierMichelle N86 – 71
Matthew (1)Matthew TassierRobert Miller91 – 70
Matthew (2)Matthew TassierRhys Benjamin101 – 36
Matthew (3)Matthew TassierMark James81 – 91
Mark (1)Gevin ChapwellMark James91 – 111
Mark (2)Matt MorrisonMark James78 – 113
Mark (3)Mark JamesJohnny Canuck83 – 120
Johnny (1)Charlie ReamsJohnny Canuck89 – 131
Johnny (2)Chris MarshallJohnny Canuck79 – 101
Johnny (3)Johnny CanuckDavid Barnard84 – 112
David (1)Jayne WisniewskiDavid Barnard73 – 119
David (2)Tracey MillsDavid Barnard92 – 101
David (3)Jonathan WynnDavid Barnard77 – 113
David (4)Jason TurnerAnthony Endsor88 – 98*
Anthony (1)Giles HAnthony Endsor113 – 87
Giles (1)Giles HEd Byrne92 – 61
Giles (2)Graeme ColeGiles H87 – 110
Giles (3)Giles HAlan Young98 – 81
Giles (4)Matt OCSean Fletcher96 – 80

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0761 seconds. It's 15:24:10 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.