Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Enough players to get going I reckon, though I hope for some more for sure. Tell your friends.

Will plan to do the initial draw and get the first fixture up on Sunday 7th May, post-Colon hangover.

Philip Aston

Philip Aston This is my first ever tourney, anything particular I need to bear in mind?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Hey Philip - nope, not much! This is a pretty simple tournament since there is obviously only one fixture scheduled at a time, with the winner staying on to the next match. I keep the draw (the order of when people will be up) a secret so that part is a mystery and it can come at any time. But you'll get notifications when I have added a fixture for you. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask but it should be self-explanatory :)

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Thanks Matt.

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Was there no ticket for this? Lucky I noticed it existed.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison And I'd already upvoted it!

Liam O

Liam O Can we get an update regarding this?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison At least wait until the aforementioned "maybe I'll do the draw then" day is over :)

Nikki Saarsteiner

Nikki Saarsteiner Thanks for linking Matt! Have no idea how this works but I'll go with the flow..

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You'll pick it up Nikki, fairly self-explanatory I hope! Wait until your name comes up in the draw and if you have any more questions feel free to fire me an aptomail :)

Amar Chotai

Amar Chotai Silly question, but now that I lost to Matt, is that the end for me until next year? Just curious

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck Will there be a League Table this time? How do you even get there to be one, anyway?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Amar - yup. It is indeed. Just like a real series. Except you only have to wait for the next series, not for 10 years :)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Johnny - indeed there will be. You get one by asking Charlie to add it, there's no UI feature for it for the admin. So I guess whenever he reads my aptomail or gets a moment...

Amar Chotai

Amar Chotai Haha thanks Matt - didn't get a kind draw, but for an Apterous newbie to lose to a great player in Matt Croy, no shame in that - cheers :)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Yeah, whenever I look at the draw after I've done it I see so many "oh, X is not going to like this one" matchups :)

I think it was Zarte who got a bum draw for the first 3 years he took part, which is a tough thing to achieve for someone as good as Zarte!

Christy Cooper

Christy Cooper Can trial members participate?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Sure, I guess. I don't know the limitations of trial membership but if the site allows you to signup, I'm sure that means it allows you to play! Just have to hope that whenever your name crops up your trial is still active... or you've upgraded :)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison SATURDAY 10th JUNE

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Thanks Matt enjoyed it but a kinder draw next time !

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre *waits to see whether Matt's brave enough to hurry up Heather*

*and when he's done hurrying up her, will make her play her game too*

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I've hurried one or two up her over the past couple of days, mostly we were waiting for Robert. Hoped to do it tonight but he's not responded so most likely tomorrow... glad you're paying attention though!

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Apologies for tardiness, I have now enabled the league table. I missed the sign-up deadline like an idiot but am happy to be a stand-by if something goes wrong.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre " SATURDAY 10th JUNE

Charlie is apparently a minimum of 3 days in the future.

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Why is Matt Cory's name on the table twice?

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey who's Matt Cory ? I have never heard of him !

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 1 win was manually added by Charlie from last series. 3 have been automatically done from the actual results. They just need merging, Charlie will sort it but no rush! (good spot tho Philip, thanks)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 60 players by the way guys. Too lazy to look back to see if that's a record but it's certainly better than the last couple at least. Good work!

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre It's a record I think. Wasn't going to count signups, but if all games get played it'll def. be the most.

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Well, I'm up against the organiser himself!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison It's only polite to lose.

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Game over, but this is only just the beginning. I've sent in the application form.

Dan Byrom

Dan Byrom It's ok Philip - I avenged you! (With an incredibly entertaining game that could have gone either way)

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Well done Dan.

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor What happens now?

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson Now, you wait...
Good luck!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Unfortunately Dan's win over me has been flagged as breaking the house rules. First time it's happened in the tournament. Hold on for a moment while leaderboards get adjusted and things are sorted out...

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson Yes "flagged". hmmm.

The lengths some people would go to to not get eliminated from their own tourney...

tut tut Matt!

Dan Byrom

Dan Byrom The flag is correct. I have spoken to Matt and messaged Charlie. I have been a complete idiot, and yes I did cheat, but it was an honest mistake and didn't involve me plugging letters into a solver.

I will make a post about it in more detail once Charlie has replied to my message and I am absolutely devastated that my integrity is now questionable, but it is my own fault, and as such it is only reasonable.

Apologies to all but especially Matt

Graham Harrison

Graham Harrison Id simply like to know what you were doing Dan? This happened with Callum Todd a while ago, what upset me is that I never got told what this "didnt realise i was cheating" cheating, was that he was doing...

Dan Byrom

Dan Byrom That's fine. Essentially, I saw NOTARISE+T, knew that I knew it, couldn't think of it, knew it had STATION in it or something similar so typed it into lex, wrongly convincing myself that it was justified because I knew I knew the word. That triggered an automatic cheating message.
Charlie hasn't yet spoken to me about it, so I can't say anything in full - all I know at the moment is I'm banned from tournaments for some amount of time (and rightly so)

Graham Harrison

Graham Harrison oh so you lexed it prior to declaring?
.... what did you lex... stationer?

Graham Harrison

Graham Harrison naughty boy dan, no matter how sure you are, that declaration is massively linked to genuinely spotting words and either knowing they are valid or punting on them.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I'm sure he knows that, Graham. It's not like he's had swathes of games greyed out - he just had a brain fart like an idiot. I did exactly the same thing once not long after joining the site.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Not to put too much praise on anyone who cheats (no matter the seriousness) but Dan has handled it like a boss. Owned up immediately, explained fully in private, apologised privately and publicly. No issues from me.

Dan Byrom

Dan Byrom Thank you Matt and Zarte for sticking up for me - Graham's point is still fully justified though (I literally just typed NOTARISET in the lexplorer)
This moment of breaking the rules however was preceded by a period of 'bending' the rules (which was partly down to what led me to wrongly believe at the time that my actions were justified) - I ideally wanted to speak to Charlie about this first before saying anything publicly, but I couldn't leave Graham's question hanging, so the situation isn't fully resolved yet.
I'm glad to hear that such prestigious trusted players such as Zarte though have been I'm my position - hopefully I'll still be on Apterous for many years to come and this will be a moment to laugh about in the past.

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor Guys lets not turn this into another Callum Todd's glory roll situation. I've spoken with Dan probably more than any of you since he joined the site and to say he regrets it is an understatement. We all do things in our lives that are of a similar magnitude, lets not pretend we're exempt from doing slightly dishonest things from time to time. It's like reporting a slightly higher mark on a test to your teacher or making a dubious line call in tennis, it's easy to justify it to yourself at the time but it's important you move on as well as everyone else. It's one round in one game, it's not cheating throughout thousands of games. He's had the slap on the wrist, it doesn't really need much more. All his achievements before that game and in the future will be legit, there's no need to keep bringing it up. Dan's handled this very well, I will say.

Graham Harrison

Graham Harrison yes, agreed.

Nikki Saarsteiner

Nikki Saarsteiner On the whole rules thing, what's the situation with declaring the target in the numbers game and then winging it? I know we all do it but I''m a newbie to tourneys and don't know if it's totally fine, frowned upon, or downright cheating?

Dan Byrom

Dan Byrom that's allowed - I now get this link shown to me every time I log on which is useful:

Nikki Saarsteiner

Nikki Saarsteiner Ah, thank you :) *fudge fudge fudge*

Graham Harrison

Graham Harrison yeah i fudge the numbers all the time, its great when you get there but had no idea when the declaration comes up. For 99% of games I get time to enter it in the notes which is much better than using the click system.

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor I'm prone to fudging occasionally if I'm sort of there but not quite, but I do get annoyed when you get a clearly impossible numbers game like 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1 target 983 and people still try and fudge....

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck In that circumstance, I'd say I would get more annoyed if people just ERE'd with nothing than if they made an effort to get as close as possible with 216...

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams League Table now straightened out. My game with Sean will probably be tomorrow.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I liked my points total more before you straightened it out you dick.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre You liked most dicks more before you straightened out.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison *holds hands up*
*grabs all dicks*

Ian Volante

Ian Volante ow

Christy Cooper

Christy Cooper Matt will everyone who signed up get the chance to pIay?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Of course :)

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck I guess a better question is... will everyone use it?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison :) yeah sorry all - I let that fixture roll on longer than I should have but I don't enjoy having to forfeit people. Moving on...

Christy Cooper

Christy Cooper I can't take part due to computer issues

Show all comments
Christy Cooper

Christy Cooper I can return now, my issue has been fixed

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I'll put you back in to the draw but you get 24 hours to play.

Christy Cooper

Christy Cooper Matt when will my opponent be selected?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Sorry for holiday delay - back on it now. I did send Charlie a list of the next four players in case he had the time to set up the fixtures for me.... and then forgot to actually include him on the aptomail thread so essentially just emailed it to myself. Go me.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison All done. FInalists set.

Tim's the unfortunate one this year who has to wait to decide his fate.

Three AWOL in the form of Aidan L, Graham Harrison and Niall Loftus..

League Table

Highlighted players are the current finalists.

Zarte Siempre4489
Tom Cappleman4485
Jonathan Wynn4448
Ray Wilding4446
Giles H4444
Thomas Carey4443
Matt Croy4422
Charlie Reams3393
James Hurrell3381
Liam O2299
Ian Birdman2270
Tim Down2209
James Robinson1223
Martin Hurst1193
Ian Volante1192
Elliott Mellor1191
Jayne Wisniewski1185
Mike Springett1183
Chris Marshall1172
Robert Ryan1172
Matt Morrison1161
Jason Turner1136
Andrew Hypes0107
Hazel Drury0106
Tracey Mills0103
Johnny Canuck0101
Sean Fletcher0100
Tom Chafer-Cook098
Robin M096
Graeme Cole096
Scott Gillies093
Matthew Tassier092
Ailsa Watson089
Ed Byrne087
Anthony Endsor087
Philip Aston085
Heather Badcock083
James Laverty082
Gevin Chapwell081
Mark James081
Alex H080
Phil Makepeace077
Andy SC076
Matty Artell076
Karen Pearson074
Brett Davids073
Noel Mc072
James Rowan067
Rhys Benjamin065
Phil Hannan063
Amar Chotai060
Eoin Jackson060
Andrew Smith056
Bradley Horrocks055
Nikki Saarsteiner047
Christy Cooper033
Jon Wilford032

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 06

<< 05.Finals | 06.Finals >>

Notes from the organizer: Oh hi. Been a while.

Series 6 of aptoSOS, the kind-of simulation of a series of real-life Countdown.

Time limits will be the same as series 5 - a 5 DAY turnaround which has worked great for the last couple of seasons. As before a one-time 2-3 DAY extension is available for any player with a decent reason.

All players eligible to enter this one. No one excluded. Random and secretive draw as usual.

Tetrachamps or quadrachamps or whatever you want to call them, I don't care. 4 winsers.

I'll wait until we have a minimum of 32 players before kicking off (hopefully more, will see how it goes), and leave signups open for a bit after the start.

Matt Croy is the reigning champion from the end of season 5, on 1 win and 96 points.

Ran from: 23 April – 10 December 2017. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matt Morrison.

Signed up: Charlie Reams, Karen Pearson, Gevin Chapwell, Ian Volante, James Hurrell, Tom Cappleman, Alex H, Tom Chafer-Cook, Matthew Tassier, Matt Morrison, Jason Turner, Phil Makepeace, Andrew Smith, James Robinson, Scott Gillies, Jonathan Wynn, Chris Marshall, Heather Badcock, Jayne Wisniewski, Mark James, Johnny Canuck, Graeme Cole, Giles H, Rhys Benjamin, Robin M, Eoin Jackson, Tracey Mills, Jon Wilford, Thomas Carey, Matt OC, James Rowan, Robert Ryan, Zarte Siempre, James Laverty, Anthony Endsor, Ray Wilding, Graham Harrison, Philip Aston, Ed Byrne, Brett Davids, Liam O, Sean Fletcher, Matty Artell, Andy SC, Phil Hannan, Tim Down, Hazel Drury, Andrew Hypes, Martin Hurst, Christy Cooper, Aidan L, Ailsa Watson, Bradley Horrocks, Mike Springett, Dan Byrom, Noel Mc, Amar Chotai, Ian Birdman, Elliott Mellor, Nikki Saarsteiner, Alex Smith, Niall Loftus.

Fixtures: 49. Completed: 49.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
Matt begins on 1 win / 96 pointsMatt OCAmar Chotai106 – 60
Matt (2)Matt OCBradley Horrocks108 – 55
Matt (3)Matt OCHazel Drury112 – 106
Matt (4)Phil MakepeaceMike Springett77 – 104
Mike (1)Ian VolanteMike Springett100 – 79
Ian (1)Ian VolanteJonathan Wynn92 – 111
Jonathan (1)Jonathan WynnEoin Jackson114 – 60
Jonathan (2)Jonathan WynnJames Laverty97 – 82
Jonathan (3)Jonathan WynnTracey Mills126 – 103
Jonathan (4)Heather BadcockRobert Ryan83 – 107
Robert (1)Robert RyanLiam O65 – 93
Liam (1)Gevin ChapwellLiam O81 – 92
Liam (2)Tom CapplemanLiam O116 – 114
Thomas (1)Tom CapplemanAndrew Hypes133 – 107
Thomas (2)Tom CapplemanAndy SC120 – 76
Thomas (3)Tom CapplemanRobin M116 – 96
Thomas (4)Matt MorrisonPhilip Aston89 – 85
Matt (1)Charlie ReamsMatt Morrison78 – 72
Charlie (1)Charlie ReamsSean Fletcher109 – 100
Charlie (2)Charlie ReamsJohnny Canuck116 – 101
Charlie (3)Charlie ReamsElliott Mellor90 – 95
Elliott (1)Thomas CareyElliott Mellor112 – 96
Thomas (1)Alex HThomas Carey80 – 103
Thomas (2)Graeme ColeThomas Carey96 – 106
Thomas (3)Thomas CareyMatty Artell122 – 76
Thomas (4)Ray WildingAilsa Watson109 – 89
Ray (1)Andrew SmithRay Wilding56 – 118
Ray (2)Jon WilfordRay Wilding32 – 126
Ray (3)Ray WildingBrett Davids93 – 73
Ray (4)Noel McIan Birdman72 – 99
Ian (1)Karen PearsonIan Birdman74 – 97
Ian (2)Jason TurnerIan Birdman75 – 74
Jason (1)Jason TurnerJayne Wisniewski61 – 111
Jayne (1)James RobinsonJayne Wisniewski109 – 74
James (1)James RobinsonGiles H114 – 118
Giles (1)Giles HNikki Saarsteiner109 – 47
Giles (2)Giles HEd Byrne123 – 87
Giles (3)Giles HJames Rowan94 – 67
Giles (4)Scott GilliesMartin Hurst93 – 111
Martin (1)Zarte SiempreMartin Hurst124 – 82
Zarte (1)Rhys BenjaminZarte Siempre65 – 111
Zarte (2)Zarte SiempreChristy Cooper122 – 33
Zarte (3)Tom Chafer-CookZarte Siempre98 – 132
Zarte (4)Chris MarshallPhil Hannan92 – 63
Chris (1)James HurrellChris Marshall95 – 80
James (1)James HurrellMatthew Tassier108 – 92
James (2)James HurrellMark James89 – 81
James (3)James HurrellTim Down89 – 104
Tim (1)Anthony EndsorTim Down87 – 105

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0902 seconds. It's 15:22:40 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.