Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Late sign-ups still being taken up until the end of Saturday.

Tourney round: Weakest Link Mayhem: Sign-up page

Round 1 - 15 Rounder >>

Notes from the organizer: For those who've enjoyed some of my previous carefully organised and structured Weakest Link tournaments, here is something a bit different!

This will be a haphazard journey through a totally random selection of named apterous formats with a new round starting every day.
One bot will be randomly chosen for each round and all players will play the randomly selected format in that round against that bot.
The lowest scoring player is knocked out each round. If there is a tie then the tiebreak will be the total player score over all tournament rounds so far. If this is also tied then there will be multiple eliminations.

The first round will be a 15 rounder against Prune to ease you all in, starting on Monday 5th November. Subsequent rounds will start every day from that Wednesday onwards, assuming we have 2 players already qualified for the new round. Rounds will have a one week time limit, but you are advised to play your game at the earliest opportunity due to the overlapping nature of the rounds. Do not expect aptomail warnings of rounds nearing expiration. I will add new games at my earliest opportunity, but it will be your responsibility to keep a look out for your game being available.

NOTE : Games should be played in a single sitting (barring unforeseen problems), after all there's no passing and coming back later in The Weakest Link. This also helps makes things easier for me to keep track of.

Sign-ups will remain open until the penultimate day of the first round.
Good luck and enjoy!

Ran from: 4 – 10 November 2018. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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