Sam Prouse

Sam Prouse Seriously Tass...

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey tass ily

German autocorrect tried to correct your 'name' to Tasse. It clearly thinks you're a mug. I however do not because this was a fantastic choice

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Cheers Tom! btw you've got some catching up to do here.

Ian Birdman

Ian Birdman

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Piaras M Carney

Piaras M Carney Wow. I've just realised I have the lowest score by a country mile. I need to cop on a bit...

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Nothing wrong with that, it's getting through that really counts.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier A deserved Strongest Link award this round to the only player with a German 15 century to his credit, Marcus. Also well done to Tom C-C, the only contender not to lose this round.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Missing out on scoring on a valuable numbers round and falling narrowly short, Ian you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Yep,the numbers is just too crucial in this format, knew I was in trouble! Thanks.

Tourney round: Weakest Link Mayhem: Round 5 - German 15

<< Round 4 - Omelette Numbers | Round 6 - Hyper Letters Attack >>

Notes from the organizer: You're all going to love round five, for which the random number generator has chosen a German 15 against Apterous Waldorf. Blanked rounds for Waldorf or lucky guesses may well be the order of the day on the letters rounds for quite a lot of you I imagine.

One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far (notes by players' matches) will be the deciding factor. If this is tied too then there may be multiple Weakest Links.

Viel Glück!

Ran from: 10 – 17 November 2018. Format: German 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 23. Completed: 23.

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