Thomas Carey Can there be a similar ruling to the one in the Spanish CA here? Seems (potentially) very unfair on Tom | |
Tom Cappleman I was holding out for Sean to get through to save me, but he's saved Tom C-C on the previous round instead | |
Elliott Mellor "Unfair on Tom"....if anyone has grounds to feel hard done by t'is I... | |
Tom Cappleman Yeah, I feel a max game automatically qualifies rule would be reasonable | |
Matthew Tassier Ridiculous consistency all round, and all hail to the Strongest Link, a relieved-to-survive-at-all Tom Cappleman. | |
Matthew Tassier All questions correctly answered this round, but I'm afraid we still need a victim, so with the unluckiest exit so far Elliott you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye! | |
Elliott Mellor Sad to go out on something I had no control over, but many thanks for hosting Matthew - see you next time! | |
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Eoin Jackson Perhaps the dumbest WL round of all time?
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Matthew Tassier Faithful to the original version. All players answer every question correctly and an extremely strong player gets bundled out. Classic TV. | |
Eoin Jackson Suppose so... but imo this negates Thomas's claim that this tournament was superior to the numbers editions. | |
Thomas Carey this is a dumb argument to get in to but I prefer this one because, unlike numbers, it's a true weakest link - only one person goes every round. also, numbers is the same 24 formats every year, whereas with this you never know what you're getting, which is much more exciting imo. and this one also sometimes uncovers weird formats hidden behind the bookshelves of apterous that literally nobody plays (usually for good reason!) but, they're both very fun and well run, cheers tass | |
Eoin Jackson Yeah... both fun, well done, cheers, everything is awesome, etc. Agreed. When this comes up again -if I notice it- I'll join.
Notes from the organizer: Round 23, for the select few left in, is going to be an Unlimited Junior Numbers Attack against Apterous Prime. Pretty easy? Maybe, but that means there will be pressure on every single round not to slip up.
One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far (notes by players' matches) will be the deciding factor. If this is tied too then there may be multiple Weakest Links.
Good luck!
Ran from: 30 November – 6 December 2018. Format: Unlimited Jnr Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 6. Completed: 6.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.
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