Andy SC

Andy SC @Dave - May I ask why some people that have signed up this season, have ended up in a higher division than some of us who participated in the last season? Seems a bit unfair that they have been placed in a higher division as opposed to having to work their way up.

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Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Hi Andy, I explained my rationale for that the other day here:

TLDR version is that it's to reduce the number of dead games and ensure both players have a decent chance every match, and everyone in the league has a realistic shot at promotion.

I ensured no existing player ended up lower than they would've been.

Unfortunately due to the sheer quantity of new 1700+ players (6) it's still become a bit skewed. I'll most likely increase the number of promotion spots/playoffs to make up for this

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns 2 weeks left now to complete games, only just over half done so far. Like last season, including me in an aptomail thread with your opponent trying to organise a match can lead to unplayed games being awarded at the end of the season.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Division 4 saw 3 adjudications due to un-responded aptomails. They are recorded as 100-0, though don't make the stats page. These are EB vs RH, AD vs RH, EB vs JG.

As a result, congratulations to Adam on winning the league and promotion to D3. James, Edward and Stephen join Steven from D3 in the playoffs. Unfortunately Richard drops down to D5 and Jake must fight his way through the playoffs to avoid joining him.

83% - games played (92 with adjudications
131 - HS (James)
13 - most maxes (James vs Stephen)
3 - most 9s (MSR,SH,JW)
66 - season maxes (James)
2 - most crucial wins (EA,AS)
2 - most crucial losses (SH)
5 - most centuries (Adam,James)

Thanks all for playing, good luck in Season 3.

Stephen Holford

Stephen Holford Thanks for organising Dave bit gutted that James is in the playoffs lol but I'll play him Sober if I get another chance and try to keep it down to a 50 point loss at most.

Stephen Holford

Stephen Holford No offence Adam sterling work there sir well done

Tourney round: AptoLeague: S2 Division 4

<< S2 Division 3 | S2 Division 5 >>

Notes from the organizer: Division 4 sees Edward Ashcroft fall into it via a relegation playoff, so he'll be keen to bounce straight back to D3, only fitting in 3 games damaging his chances last season.

MSR and Andy SC each missed out on promotion by just a point last season, and will be looking to challenge for the title again. Elizabeth Beer will be in with a shout too if she gets better luck in the close games, having fallen the wrong side of 4 crucials!

You have 5 weeks to complete these games, before ~10 days of playoffs. Good luck!

The table will be regularly updated here:

Ran from: 1 June – 5 July 2020. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 31. Completed: 31.

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