Damian McEvoy

Damian McEvoy Richard/Christy/Dave/Derek - is there any particular time of the day or week to get you for our game?

Damian McEvoy

Damian McEvoy Are Christy Dave & Richard still with us? I have not seen them online since the league began 16 days ago.

Steven Oldham

Steven Oldham Dave was online a couple of days ago.

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Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Might be worth aptomailing them to try and arrange a time (and adding me to it). If someone clearly makes more effort to arrange a game than their opponent, and it's still unplayed by the end, I'll very likely award it to them.

Damian McEvoy

Damian McEvoy Cool, will do

Derek Matthews

Derek Matthews am on in the evens very irregularly

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Just one week left in this season's league. If you haven't already, now is a good time to aptomail your opponents - copy me in and if there's little attempt to organise the game you'll probably be awarded the win.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Division 5 saw newcomer Darren take the format by storm, winning all 6 games. Damian another newbie took second place, although he's been beaten in the playoffs by Jake, seeking promotion back to D4. Various inactive players as usual in this division unfortunately, but still some decent contests!

The numbers:
46% - games played
117 - HS (Jake)
35 - most maxes (Darren)
1 - most crucial wins (Jason)
1 - most crucial losses (Christy)
1 - most centuries (Jake)

Good luck all in Season 4

Tourney round: AptoLeague: S3 Division 5

<< S3 Division 4 | Season 4 Sign-ups and Playoffs >>

Notes from the organizer: In Division 5 we welcome newbies Damian and Jason, as well as seeing Jake and Richard drop down from Division 4. Had a couple of seasons with a lot of unplayed games in this division, would be good to see that improved this time!

You'll have 6 weeks to play these games, before a 2 week period to do playoffs. Good luck!


Ran from: 20 July – 30 August 2020. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 28. Completed: 13.

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