Dave Robjohns Forgot to add the target into the description - to qualify for Round 2 you need to surpass 100 points in one of your attempts. | |
Dave Robjohns We lose 14 players in Round 1 here - some agonisingly close (99 from Maria) but alas scraping the bar on the way over. The next bar is set at 109, as a few of you have already seen. | |
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Ian Volante I can't see this in my list for some reason. | |
Fiona T Think you missed it Ian - ended yesterday | |
Ian Volante Bloody hell. Right, I'll play an ad hoc one on the off-chance. | |
Ian Volante https://www.apterous.org/viewgame.php?game=2941141 With apologies for having a busy day yesterday and not spotting the deadline, here's my putative third attempt. | |
Dave Robjohns Event 43 of 76:
Notes from the organizer: The high jump takes place with games against Prune in high-per 15.
Much like the Olympic event, everyone will get up to 3 opportunities to clear the target each round, with it steadily increasing until we have our medallists.
Each round will last one week, with games added as soon as I can for those needing multiple attempts - although do try to play your games early; I can't guarantee looking at this more than once per day.
2020 Champion: Chris Hare (Netherlands)
Keep track of the results here:
Ran from: 12 – 18 July 2021. Format: Hyper 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 68. Completed: 63.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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