Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Event 10 of 76:
🥇 🇳🇱 Chris Hare
🥈 🇯🇵 Johnny Canuck
🥉 🇮🇹 Hazel Drury
The shortest event and the quickest one to finish, we see Chris double his gold lead and Johnny take his first medal of the games. Piaras very unfortunate in fourth, falling tenths of a second short.

Tourney round: Aptolympics: Tokyo 2021: Event 20: Shooting (10m air pistol)

<< Tokyo 2021: Event 18: Boxing (Semis) | Tokyo 2021: Reserves wanted!! >>

Notes from the organizer: 20 Events in, and we have our first shooting event. Shooting requires quick reactions to connect with targets, and in the 10m air pistol event, we're playing Berserk CAs.

You may be pleased to learn that draws are allowed! The trio hitting the most targets in 1 second a go will be earning medals here. Tie break as always goes through your slowest effort, then 2nd slowest etc.

Scoreboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XARCkMOnvzwgvf9ex_0WLcnvWbr8V6p05qhxWpWmUtw/edit#gid=848115958

Ran from: 20 – 26 July 2021. Format: Berserk Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 14. Completed: 14.

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