Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Note to self - when you need two points to go through, don't risk a 7 when there's a safe 4...

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Top scorer here with a new pb, equal 5th highest Octolock 15 score ever, and the first person to get 3 Strongest Link accolades, is Hazel.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier A lot of people close to elimination here, Mich and Elwin were just 2 points ahead, and my favourite escape was Andy's conundrum spot of BALDHEAD. But one player just misses out, Matty you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!

Elwin Carlos

Elwin Carlos I've been close to elimination for about the last 6 rounds now. :D

Tourney round: Weakest Link Mayhem 2021: Round 12 - Octolock 15

<< Round 11 - Nasty Letters Attack | Round 13 - Bullet Letters Attack >>

Notes from the organizer: Round 12 looks like a more relaxing round as Prune is back to play you in an Octolock 15 rounder. Remember to use the red tiles in the letters and numbers rounds and see if you can find the 8 letter word in the conundrum round.

One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far will be the deciding factor (See notes by players' names).

Tournament standings:

Good luck!

Ran from: 13 – 19 July 2021. Format: Octolock 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 35. Completed: 35.

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