Matthew Brockwell

Matthew Brockwell I think you meant ROUNDHEEL! (could have been hilarious if someone got it and typed the wrong answer though)

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Sean D

Sean D 110m is to allow for a man's longer stride, anything shorter would change it from a sprint race to some sort of weird hopping contest

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier I'm voting for a weird hopping contest next time.

Elwin Carlos

Elwin Carlos Or simply have a race where each hurdle MUST be knocked over.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns I reckon add more hurdles, and have a "the floor is lava" style thing where they race across the top from hurdle to hurdle. A bit Takeshi's castle

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Event 29 of 76:
🥇 🇳🇱 Chris Hare
🥈 🇪🇸 Jonny D
🥉 🇬🇧 Sean D

Chris clears almost all his hurdles on the way to gold, closing in on Sam. Sean takes bronze over Matthew on time countback.

Tourney round: Aptolympics: Tokyo 2021: Event 41: Women's 100m

<< Tokyo 2021: Event 40: Canoeing Men's Sprint | Tokyo 2021: Event 4: Archery (Quarters) >>

Notes from the organizer: From the men's sprint we head to a women's event, 100m hurdles (anyone know why men do 110m?!)

Lockdown was also hard to find a use for but ONEHURDLES -> ROUNDHEAD (if that comes up in your Lockdown CA you can thank me later).

Ran from: 4 – 10 August 2021. Format: Lockdown Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 15. Completed: 13.

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