Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Probably goes without saying but for this (and numbers games in general) it's especially important that they are completed in one sitting (barring any server apocalypses)

Tourney round: Aptolympics: Tokyo 2021: Event 34: Goalball (tiebreak)

<< Tokyo 2021: Event 18: Boxing (Final) | Tokyo 2021: Event 44: Sailing RS:X >>

Notes from the organizer: A tie break to decide the medals in Event 34.

Please note the scoring here - this tie break is purely based on the number of rounds you go without losing a round (e.g. losing 200-190 where you miss R1 is worse than losing 200-100 when you get the first ten right and first miss in R11).

In the event of a tie here, score in this game is taken (e.g. losing 200-190 is better than losing 200-100 if you both miss R1)

If it is still tied, we look at the same statistic but from the first round; where someone first missed a max there.

Ran from: 6 – 13 August 2021. Format: Duckdown Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 3. Completed: 3.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Apterous SoapDan Byrom200 – 160
Apterous SoapDave Robjohns250 – 240*
Apterous SoapJonny D220 – 210*

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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