Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Somehow it's been 30 rounds since we've seen Elliott as the Strongest Link. But he puts that right here, with a high scoring game that places him joint 10th in the Touchdown LA high score table.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier After a very slow start it looked like Marcus was going to save himself with a mighty second half of his game until spoilsport Nude came up with the darrenic ALKOXIDE in the final round. So, finishing 11th, Marcus you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares Thanks for another amazing effort MLT - great fun as always :)

Tourney round: Weakest Link Mayhem 2021: Round 38 - Touchdown Letters Attack

<< Round 37 - Latin 9 | Round 39 - Old 15 +4TB >>

Notes from the organizer: Round 38 will see you take on Nude in a Touchdown LA. With plenty of 9s to find and hopefully not too many maxes from Nude this could be a high scoring round.

One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far will be the deciding factor (See notes by players' names).

Tournament standings:

Good luck!

Ran from: 8 – 14 August 2021. Format: Touchdown Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 11. Completed: 11.

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