Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Important to note that after 5 rounds, Tom, Sam & Tom all have identical records. Supposing everyone failed at this height, there would be a jump off for silver & bronze.

For simplicity a jump off will just be one game each, highest score wins.

Additionally, Hazel is the current leader, so is guaranteed a medal unless 3 others clear the height and she does not.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Loadsa pencils here as people tried to eke out every point to clear the bar - but only 3 did. Congrats to our medallists! Another round added shortly.

Tourney round: Aptolympics: Tokyo 2021: Event 6: High Jump (Round 6)

<< Tokyo 2021: Event 47: BMX | Tokyo 2021: Event 48: 470 Dinghy >>

Notes from the organizer: Keep up the good work folks!

We're back again with Round 6. 7 jumpers left, you've all done spectacularly well to reach here. The highest score in the last round was 139, so everyone's scraping over the bar now.

The target for round 6... 137. 3 attempts as ever. Best of luck!


Ran from: 9 – 15 August 2021. Format: Hyper 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 17. Completed: 17.

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