Andres S.

Andres S. This has been approved on my night of August 13th, so I will give you all up to AND INCLUDING August 20th to play and/or schedule your games to do them!

Andres S.

Andres S. Alright, obligatory reminder that today's the final day you guys can get your games scheduled and/or done with! I have already talked about this with several groups but I feel like I should make this vocal to everyone now given the circumstances. If both people REALLY want to do their games but have not put a rigid date in, they will be given ONE FINAL DAY past the deadline to do it. I feel like this helps the people who are eager to do their games as well as not have the rest of the people wait for the results. Apto Tourneys are still a bit new to me and we're all travelling this new trail together. Other than that, that's all I have to say. Good luck to you all!

Tourney round: Make The Odds: Round #3

<< Round #2 | Round #4 >>

Notes from the organizer: Round 2's now all wrapped up with a little bow on top! Here's the news this time around.

This time around the people eliminated are, with scores of 54.17% and 44.1%, Fi Thorne and Derek Matthews. Thank you both for playing along, you both were great.

Now what's happened this round? Well, the person in first place this time around goes to Dave Robjohns with a 91.93 percentage (13 points off). This hugely comes from the terrific spot of FOUR NINES in a row which not only boosts Dave’s score up, but now gives us the highest possible max for a game thus far with 161. Second goes to Robin M by only slightly as he scored a 91.67 by being 12 points off his game. And third place goes to the mad Maus himself, Thomas Carey, by just hitting the 90 mark. Everyone else did very well, with the average this time being about 77 percent.

Now Round 3 isn’t going to be any different from the rest. I am going to try and be a bit more strict on things but for the most part, it’s not going to hurt anything that we’ve already done. Thank you all for sticking around, but for now… it’s time to… uhh… um… what do you guys have to do again? Um… oh yeah, HAVE FUN!

Ran from: 12 – 22 August 2021. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andres S..

Fixtures: 9. Completed: 9.

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