Dan Spinks

Dan Spinks cheers for organising Andres, I'm sorry to be going out. I started this tourney not really getting the concept but grew to like it more and more each round as I started to get the concept and the tactics. Hope you host another soon

Cyril Topher

Cyril Topher Tactics Dan?

Fiona T

Fiona T Pot as many balls as you can.

Dan Spinks

Dan Spinks mostly cross my fingers and hope there's no 9

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas Thanks for running this Andres. Good luck for the rest of it.

Tourney round: Make The Odds: Round #9

<< Round #8 | Round #10 >>

Notes from the organizer: Round 9 is finito and I'm running out of words for completion.

The eliminations THIS time around are very close to each other as THREE people scored a 78! However, I can only take the two lowest so with scores of 78.17 and 76.34, Martin Thomas and Dan Spinks are now eliminated. Thank you both, and good luck to Martin on the Ryder Cup!

Anyhoo, stats this time around. First place in this round goes to John Doherty with his first 90 and by 8 points off! Second place to this round goes to George Armstrong for his 93.13 performance. And lastly, the third place spot goes to Mervyn Tong with his very respectable 90.37 score. The highest available max here was a big ol' 147 and the average ratio total is increasing to 85 percent!

The finals are creeping upon us, people. Once we head to them I can surely explain how it's all gonna go down, but for now keeping doing your thing! Have fun everyone!

Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FrWaHOJ1lBJPJw-PtzUXt66JQjbWFAD7HQoQnsjjJBg/edit?usp=sharing

TRUE DEADLINE: October 6th

Ran from: 29 September – 5 October 2021. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andres S..

Fixtures: 5. Completed: 5.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
George ArmstrongAdam Latchford100 – 105
Fiona TCyril Topher101 – 71
Barry EvansLiam O83 – 87
Ian VolanteMatthew Tassier83 – 98
Mervyn TongJohn Doherty106 – 62

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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