Adam Latchford Just to clarify Andres - two get eliminated here - then we have another final stage where two more get eliminated - then we have a final two? | |
Andres S. Yep, that's how it go. | |
Matthew Tassier So ... what happens with a game that's drawn over 15 rounds? Do the tiebreaks count?? | |
Andres S. I wouldn't say the tie breaks should count, I knew that at some point I'd come across a game that would have a tie break and I feel like it would be more fair to not use the tie breaking rounds. If you guys disagree however let me know, but for now I'll stick with this. | |
Adam Latchford itd be a bit savage on that game to count the tie breaks ! dont count :-) |
Notes from the organizer: It's time. I decided to cut down on text walls today so here's everything you'd need to know all laid out, good luck to you all.
News (with background music):
Audio Transcript:
Tourney Sheet:
TRUE DEADLINE: November 6th
Ran from: 15 October – 5 November 2021. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 15. Completed: 15.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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