Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford :o an octorun for a finish! wanna split these up or do we try and arrange a time to play the whole thing and if anyone wants to spec they can?

Andres S.

Andres S. I left that up in the air for you guys. If you do the latter I'm definitely gonna watch

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Happy to try to do them all consecutively if you like. Could be an attritional watch for anyone crazy enough to spec!

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford Sure lets do it, Wednesday 1st 8pm good?

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Wednesday 1st looking good, I could do 6pm or 9pm.

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford 9pm :)

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Andres S.

Andres S. Alright then, it's settled. On Dec 1 at 9pm GMT, we'll see Adam and Matthew play against each other in an octorun! I'll be recording the data live after each game's finished.

Andres S.

Andres S. After eight terrific games, and multiple check-overs to make sure I didn't screw up data, I can safely say that the winner of the first Make The Odds tournament is...


Out of 1014, Adam gained a raw score of 875 whilst Matthew gained 843 - a 32 point difference; this make the final ratios stand out to 86.29 and 83.14 respectively. This was a very tight game between the two, involving SEVEN crucial conundrums with FOUR of them being comebacks! Overall, it was a wonderful event and everyone did lovely! Thank you guys.

Here are the stats of the games (under GF):

And here's a link to a feedback form if you feel inclined to give me anything on this tournament:

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford Thanks for organising Andres! Tough but enjoyable final and rounds throughout, cheers all

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Cheers Andres, I think Adam's hit the nail on the head with tough but enjoyable!
Congrats Adam, superior conundruming definitely made a big difference.

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman 7 crucials in 8 games, good work both

Tourney round: Make The Odds: Grand Final

<< MTO FINALS - Stage #2 | Season 2 - Signups >>

Notes from the organizer: Alright everyone, it's time to reveal who's our finalists.

With scores of 78 and 75.53, sadly Mervyn Tong and George Armstrong will not be making the finals. However, both of these people have put up an absolute fight against Adam and Matthew. Thank you both for participating.

As always, the stats for the semis are available under F2 in this link:

Now, let's get into the breakdown for this final. Of course, these two people have sat through single games against each other and other people. Now, these two will have to face three games against an entire octorun! Well, a variation of an octorun. Each player will be doing eight separate games against each other; each game will be calculated as always. And for the ones and then we'll find out who'll be crowned champion of Make The Odds! Good luck to the finalists!


Ran from: 23 November – 4 December 2021. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andres S..

Fixtures: 8. Completed: 8.

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