Stu Harkness Newcastle 5-3 Waldorf is a proper friendly! | |
Dave Robjohns I'll have you know I maxed round 6 too :P | |
Matt Gould Fulham have peaked too soon. We think we're still in the Championship | |
George Armstrong Wow people are playing these quickly! If people would be interested in a proper H2H friendly I can set one up for everyone tonight? Nice this comment if that sounds good :) | |
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George Armstrong Ok I asked in chat for someone to pick a random number from 1 to 38, and Wesley chose 27. So I'm going to take the fixtures from week 27 as the H2H preseason friendlies. | |
Wesley Barton You have John George as Fulham instead of Matt Gould | |
George Armstrong Whoopsie - had to be your game too :D | |
John George How come apterous waldorf got 9 maxes against me? Short straw | |
Dave Kempshall Only 7 maxes I think John. |
Notes from the organizer: Same as last season, we're kicking things off with a friendly game vs Waldorf. For those new to this, remember you score a goal every time you win a round with a max (so if for example you have a 7 and Waldorf has a 6 and the max is 7, it's a goal).
Ran from: 23 July – 5 August 2022. Format: Champions League. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 30. Completed: 30.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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