Elwin Carlos

Elwin Carlos Well, that was probably the worst 15 rounder I've ever played. :'( Good luck for the rest of the tournament everyone!

Tourney round: Make The Odds: Season 2 - Deciding Rounds

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Notes from the organizer: So, time to do the deciding rounds!

You'll be given a 15-round game, and how you do will determine what team you're going to be on! Now since we're at an odd number, this will also serve as the first elimination to the one who doesn't make the cut.

How it works is simple:


*Tiebreaks will be decided by maxes in Deciding Rounds.

Failure to complete a game in 3 weeks will result in elimination also. I'm gonna try and be a bit stricter with times compared to the first time I hosted this, so please try to complete your game when possible.

Here's the link to the Deciding Rounds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FdUNf-WmM4OF1uTV5c73xKi0NE_VYnT0d_f8Hy3MfTk/edit?usp=sharing

Ran from: 28 September – 12 October 2022. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andres S..

Fixtures: 23. Completed: 23.

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