Notes from the organizer: Another round commences! This time we must say goodbye to Andy SC and Wesley Barton with their scores of 65.73 and 65.49. And despite them pulling off very superb games, Wesley's game against Dan was really close as the only thing that separated them was one point; 93/142 (65.49) for Wesley, and 94/142 (66.2) for Dan.
And speaking of Dan, because Andy and Wesley were on the same team, Dan has been selected at random to move to the blue team for an even playing field.
Now here's the stats:
Average Ratio: 0.8067738381
Highest Score: 0.9571428571 (Ronan M Higginson)
Highest Max: 148 (between George and John)
Average Maxes: 7.666666667
Ronan picks up his first gold with a great game against Jonny, followed by Johnny getting silver with another close game against Bobby, and finally, Hazel makes the podium again with a bronze against Dave.
Here's the link to the sheet:
Best of luck to everyone!
Ran from: 20 November – 14 December 2022. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 8. Completed: 8.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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