Notes from the organizer: As we all know, the only way to communicate with the French is to speak English, but loudly and slowly and with additional gestures to help them understand that you would like their least pungent cheese and some of that amusingly pointy bread, please. Let's parlez Franglais!
Game Seven, in a slight change to the schedule, is a French Letters Attack. Your score for the game is the sum of all the points you achieve in the game by declaring valid words that are also in the Apterous English lexicon. The player with the highest such score wins. Ties will be broken by giving preference to the player who scores in this way in the most rounds, then the player whose words are, in my subjective opinion, most surprisingly French.
The BONUS TOURNAMENT POINT will be awarded to any player who achieves a maximum in any round, whether that word is in the English lexicon or not.
Ran from: 17 – 31 December 2022. Format: French Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 44. Completed: 40.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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