Notes from the organizer: As we head toward the top of the pyramid, waiting for our finals... here's our overview.
Unfortunately, we must say goodbye to Hazel Drury with a score of 82.39, and our S1 champ Adam who almost eked out safety. However, he couldn't NEGOTIATE through Bobby as he was left with a 75.97 in the end. Thank you two for playing, you guys are star players.
Here are our penultimate Prelim Stats:
Average Ratio: 0.8685610628
Highest Score: 0.9841269841 (George Armstrong)
Highest Max: 142 (Between Hazel and Johnny)
Average Maxes: 11.3
George takes his first gold after just being TWO points off a max game. Ronan sits behind with their first medal after giving Stu what appeared to be an absolute beating. He almost pulled off a max game too; fortunately for Stu, he used his WAYMARKER to guide himself to safety from elimination. And lastly, Johnny gets their bronze after pulling off an amazing comeback from Hazel.
This is the FINAL preliminary round for this season; after this, the final six remaining will compete to see who will stand out on top in the grand final. But for now... it's time to make some odds. Best of luck!
Here's the sheet:
Ran from: 1 – 28 February 2023. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 4. Completed: 3.
Player 1 | Player 2 | Status |
George Armstrong | Jonny D | 106 – 86 |
Mike Lee | Ronan M Higginson | 65 – 109 |
Johnny Canuck | Stu Harkness | 100 – 91 |
Dave Kempshall | Bobby D | Unplayed |
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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