Mike Lee

Mike Lee Love the concept George but fear for anyone in the final two if they’ve got to play certain Apterites at spoilage!

George Armstrong

George Armstrong In the final two, if the picker wins, we go again taking it in turns until the picker loses, so fear not anyone who gets spoilage'd :D

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Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman Which type of average are we using? (Makes a big difference in variants like spoilage)

George Armstrong

George Armstrong I doubt it'd make much of a difference to the rounds themselves using the in-game scores for spoilage, as anyone mad enough to pick it will surely score above average. You can only pick spoilage once, so less chances to run up the points. The only issue comes with that scoring in the 400s+ might skew the cumulative scores in the favour of the strong spoilage players. Atm happy to just leave everything as their respective defaults but we'll see. Also makes my job a hell of a lot easier ;) . If anyone has a strong opinion either way then speak up :)

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey I think tcap is referring to mean vs median, because if it's median you would need to be in the top half but if it's mean you'd need to be in like the top 3 or something for spoilage cause a few madheads will score like 500 more than everyone else

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman Indeed - though I think going for mean still works, as if you pick a high-variance one then you better do well in it

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Haven't done maths for years now unlike you uni boffins ;) so forgive my misunderstanding. Still gave me the opportunity to raise the point, and yes, will be taking the mean for all of them. A point raised too by Adm last night. If you picked say Jr NA and everyone managed to scored 200, you'd be out - you need to beat the average not just match it.

Tourney round: 1 vs 100(ish): Sign-Ups

Practice Round: George's Gevin's Delight >>

Notes from the organizer: Welcome to 1 vs 100(ish), a tourney where the players decide all the rounds.

How it all works:

Before the start, all sign ups will choose a variant/format combination they wish to play. All choices must be in English and either 15 or 20 rounds long. See https://www.apterous.org/variant.php?variant=0 if you need some help deciding. All of these games will be played against Prune. All choices should be sent to me privately, preferably via Aptomail.

Taking it in turns, one player will be elected to play as "The One", and everyone will play whatever they chose. The objective as The One is to score above the average of the rest of the group. If they are successful, the lowest scoring player that round will be eliminated. If there is a tie for the lowest score, then cumulative scores will be taken into consideration. If two players are tie on lowest round score and cumulative score, then both will leave us. If however The One fails to beat the group average, they'll have been hoisted by their own petard and eliminate themselves from the competition instead. Any players who fail to play their game will also be eliminated.

Entrants will be drawn into a random order. The game choices will be kept private until each round in turn is live. If you're eliminated before your round, it's just the luck of the draw I'm afraid. Once we get to the bottom of the list, we'll go again from the top with whoever remains, but you will be required to choose a new variant to play (you may pick the same format). When we get down to the final two players, they will take each other on in H2H games, with the victor being the first person to win a game that the other person chose.

Sign ups will be open for three weeks, then we'll have a practice round just to get us all into the swing of things. Each round will last for one full week, with new rounds being added as soon as all games have been completed.

Any questions, feel free to ask. Let's be having you!

Ran from: 27 February – 19 March 2023. Format: Hebrew Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: George Armstrong.

Signed up: Jason Larsen, Ian Volante, Tom Cappleman, Matthew Tassier, Jason Turner, Thomas Carey, Jack Worsley, Kieran Bray, Mike Lee, Matthew Brockwell, Sam Cappleman-Lynes, Sean D, Adam Finlay, Andy SC, Claire Spinks, Hazel Drury, Dan Byrom, Martin Thomas, Edward Ashcroft, Fiona T, Dave Robjohns, Elwin Carlos, Damian McEvoy, Dan Spinks, Wesley Barton, Stu Harkness, Roger Peak, Andres S., Adam Latchford, Tom Lock, Fi Thorne, Florence C-L, Mark O'Regan, Harry Latimer.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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