Jason Larsen I hope some players score better and worse than me, or I'm out. | |
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Damian McEvoy Giz a game here please MSR! | |
Fiona T Linky https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x5slwz07rx1Cfl5uE_BQsuvRMkeaxWONvoI9pBYOH-8/edit#gid=0 | |
M S R Maus goes out as the last casualty before the new rules apply. Ronan leads now, so if he's unseated in the next round, he's gone. J Bartram finds himself defending on the lowest score front | |
Johnny Canuck Gone if he's unseated in the next two rounds correct? | |
M S R *Ronan at risk that should say. What Johnny said |
Notes from the organizer: So, rule change moving forward from this round...
-Last Five rule is scrapped
-Highest score per round is scrapped
-Now, the person at the top of the overall table HAS TO STAY THERE.
-If they don't, they have another round to get it back, or it's bye-bye
No change on the lowest score rule in each round
Rules from Goatdown Jnr will apply here. The above will apply to all subsequent rounds until I get bored. Don't say I didn't warn you-have fun!
Ran from: 3 – 9 April 2023. Format: Hyper 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 29. Completed: 29.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.
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