Elwin Carlos

Elwin Carlos Crap bags... Why did i think penisless was a word? XD

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey give tassier a game :p

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Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford Penisless my very first conundrum on tv :D

Sam Cappleman-Lynes

Sam Cappleman-Lynes A bold choice of format from Mr. CRACKWISE

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford Prefer Mr Snackrite </3

Andres S.

Andres S. In my run I'm calling that a real ENSHELFED moment

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Adam's gamble paid off, as a perfect score of 200 couldn't be matched by the group so he survives here. Leaving us this round is Dan Spinks as the lowest round scorer and either by sheer coincidence or an amazing act of marital solidarity Claire Spinks.

Now, it's TCap Time...

Tourney round: 1 vs 100(ish): Round 4: Adam's Nice CA

<< Round 3: Tass's Hyperlock NA | Round 5: Tom's Instant NA >>

Notes from the organizer: A somewhat nicer game to sink your teeth into this time around.


Ran from: 17 – 23 April 2023. Format: Nice Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: George Armstrong.

Fixtures: 25. Completed: 25.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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