Andres S.

Andres S. And it has finished. After 8 games, the winner of Make The Odds Season 2 is...


Despite losing to the majority of the games, assists like 8 nines and solving 3/4ths of the conundrums helps him land a raw score of 902 versus 878. This means out of 1041, a 2.31 percentage separated our opponents!

However, we cannot says congrats to one without saying commiserations and a very well played match to Johnny's competitor, George Armstrong. He certainly put on a good show with winning 5/8 games and got the last laugh by solving the final two conundrums in the run and forcing five crucials against him!

This was an absolutely wonderful game to see unfold and I hope you lot appreciated this as much as I did hosting it. I hope to have this around once more in the future. Thank you all. <3

Tourney round: Make The Odds: Season 2 - Grand Final

<< Season 2 - MTO FINALS: Stage #2 | Season 3 - Signups >>

Notes from the organizer: Well, it's all come up to this.

Let's go over who we're losing. With scores of 87.94 and 85.03 and respective point differences of 45 and 56, Ronan M Higginson and Jonny D are sadly eliminated. Thank you two so much for playing, it's been a treat.

Now let's meet our finalists!

George Armstrong:
- Came out of the semis with a percentage of 91% and a 36 point gap (364/400)
- Has an overall finals percentage of 90.89% with an average of 11.375 maxes (958/1054 with 91 maxes)

Johnny Canuck:
- Came out of the semis with a percentage of 89.78% and a 41 point gap (360/401)
- Has an overall finals percentage of 88.88% with an average of 11.5 maxes (967/1088 with 92 maxes)

So with our two finalists, they'll now face an 8-game barrage against one another - a full octorun! You two are able to schedule a time you feel like is best and it'll be recorded as it goes! Hope to see this be an absolute cracker!!! Best of luck!

Ran from: 18 April – 3 May 2023. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andres S..

Fixtures: 8. Completed: 8.

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