Chris Hare I'm going to go out on a limb and say that "...if at least half of the round's players tie for the lowest score .... then everyone will qualify for the next round" is going to be a comforting thought for us to bear in mind in these trying times. | |
Stu Harkness Congrats on getting through folks! | |
Tracey Mills oh my god !! | |
Martyn Pegram Thanks all - it's been fun. Wish we had a Finnish round | |
Dave Kempshall That was fun. At least it was quick. | |
Bailey Cowell Wasn't it just. Nearly got one but just didn't know how to spell it. | |
Dave Kempshall Yeah, I was close to one but went preoccupation and the answer was reoccupation. | |
Adam Latchford you're still alive martyn :) | |
Dave Kempshall Gonna be tight whether 50% of the field score 0. | |
Adam Latchford i reckon that 50% will score 10 or above. What happens if its exactly 50%? | |
Dave Kempshall Not sure. Matthew's discretion I guess. | |
Matthew Tassier "... at least half ..." so if it is exactly 50% that tie on 0 then there will be no Weakest Link this round. | |
Adam Latchford After 20 people have played its exactly 50%! | |
Elwin Carlos Right, time for me to step up and flunk my round. | |
Elwin Carlos Crap, sorry everyone, I somehow managed to fluke one! | |
Maria Chandler I've done 7 practice rounds with Rex and only managed to score 10 over all those games so fully expect to get a zero too! | |
Maria Chandler Hee hee, thanks. Score 0 as expected, I got pipped by a fraction of a second on one of them... Rex is too tough an opponent! | |
Fi Thorne Hello! I just tried a couple of practice rounds against Rex and it wouldn't let me type in certain letters. It was fine when I practised this morning. Is it because I'm trying to type in letters which aren't actually in the conundrum? | |
Fiona T yep you can only type letters that are in the selection (different for touch and goat, but for normal hyper that is the case) | |
Fi Thorne Thank you! Thought there was something wrong with my keyboard at first! I suspect my days are numbered, but I will keep Steven sweating til the morning! ;-) | |
Show all comments | |
Fi Thorne Well it's goodbye from me! Thanks for organising a fantastic tourney Matthew, I've loved every second! If you'd have offered me a round 12 exit at the start I'd have bitten your hand off for it, so can't complain! :-) Good luck everyone! | |
Martyn Pegram I don't think you're actually out yet Fi... | |
Steven Oldham *wipes sweat from brow* | |
Matthew Tassier Rex rules supreme! Amongst humans 80 was a great score from Zohaib and Ronan. Ronan was the Strongest Link, somehow managing to average less than a second per solve. | |
Matthew Tassier With 16 out of 44 players ending on zero points it's harsh to have to lose a player, but them's the rules. Fi, you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye! |
Notes from the organizer: I'm afraid round 12 looks like a very nasty one. Rex returns to challenge you to Hypernundrums. So it's 12 letter conundrums against an opponent who will buzz in after about 2 seconds.
One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far will be the deciding factor. The current total scores are next to each player's fixture below.
Tournament standings:
Good luck!
Ran from: 27 May – 2 June 2023. Format: Hypernundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 44. Completed: 44.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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