Sam Cappleman-Lynes

Sam Cappleman-Lynes "Her average conundrum solve time is around 9 seconds"

Which average is that?

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier As the top 20 move through to round 36 there's a lovely max game from Strongest Link Zohaib this round, including getting all 3 conundrums in well under 1 second.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Three quick solves from Velvet meant Matty was unable to get the conundrum he needed to surpass Ben's score and get through. So, Matty you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!

Matty Artell

Matty Artell Rode my luck for a long time, happy to make it so far! Thanks Matthew <3

Tourney round: Weakest Link Mayhem 2023: Round 35 - 15 Rounder +2TB

<< Round 34 - Speed Letters Max Attack | Round 36 - Hypergoatundrum Attack >>

Notes from the organizer: In round 35 Velvet will take you on in a 15 rounder with 2 Tiebreak rounds. So essentially a normal game but ending in 3 conundrums rather than the usual 1. Velvet tends to be fairly quick on the conundrums but usually gives you a chance.

One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far will be the deciding factor. The current total scores are next to each player's fixture below.

Tournament standings:

Good luck!

Ran from: 19 – 25 June 2023. Format: 15 Rounder +2TB. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 21. Completed: 21.

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