Eoin Jackson Is this some sort of Apartheid system whereby those who got the 2nd chance will be treated as 2nd class citizens henceforth?
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Eoin Jackson I wonder is the "second shot" a complete clean slate, or should an extra 30s be added to each of our solve time tallies? | |
George Armstrong Probably the latter if I wanted to be pedantic but as it would apply to all of you it doesn't really matter | |
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Eoin Jackson Assuming we are not completely 2nd class citizens, and could potentially win if one or more of us stays on till the end, clocking in the lowest overall solve time, then it becomes important.
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Mark O'Regan Is this not a “plate” competition so essentially a separate tourney to those who made it through on Day 1 in the main event? So the extra 30s is irrelevant as applies to everyone who ended up in this “Second Shot” tourney | |
Eoin Jackson "Plate", hmm. That's some sort of sporting term. One that I just looked up. And yeah it means what you said... so I was right in the first place - we ARE 2nd class citizens from here on out.
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Ian Volante As a secondary point, the difficulty of conundrums appears more relevant than solving time. Maybe this could be taken into account in the future? | |
George Armstrong Yeah they've been harder than anticipated but that's all part of the luck of the draw |
Notes from the organizer: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jh0MWHNE3xjXfPN2D6qxVTlwCYVdrRtcrKHudK-XB1k/edit#gid=619820382
Ran from: 3 – 3 July 2023. Format: Single Conundrum. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 11. Completed: 11.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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