Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier For running:
Option 1 is a bit messy with people completing their points target mid game. I think option 2 is a bit better though you'd need to say whether the 3 games can be played simultaneously (mayhem!).
Would getting people to play a single first-to-250 game be a reasonable alternative?

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Andy SC

Andy SC First-to-250 is a good alternative.

Fiona T

Fiona T What happens with unsolved conundrums in the swimming?

Andy SC

Andy SC @Fiona - It will count as 30-seconds towards your total time.

Andy SC

Andy SC Did a test for First-to-100, 250 and 1000. The results are:

100: 2 Minutes 38 Seconds
250: 6 Minutes 41 Seconds
1000: 29 Minutes 19 Seconds

Andy SC

Andy SC Last day to sign up for the tournament.

Tourney round: Modern Pentathlon (New): Sign-ups

Fencing >>

Notes from the organizer: This is a modified version of the Modern Pentathlon tournament that has been held in the past on Apterous. Here is how each round will work:

- This round will consist of a single conundrum round robin tournament where every player will play every other player.
- If you win 70% of your matches you will get 250 points towards your Pentathlon total. For every win you are above or below the 70% win mark you will gain/lose points depending on how many matches you have to play. Any match where both players fail to solve a conundrum will result in a defeat for both players.
- There is a bonus round in the Fencing discipline. This will be a winner stays on discipline. The lowest ranked player from the Fencing round will player the second lowest ranked player. 1-point will be added to your Pentathlon total for winning a match. If both players fail to solve a conundrum the highest ranked player will be awarded the win. If the highest ranked player wins the final match they will be awarded 2-points

- This round will played as a Junior Conundrum Attack against Apterous Prune
- You will get 250 pentathlon points if your total solve time is 100-seconds.
- For every 1.5 seconds over the 100-seconds you will lose 1-point from the 250-points
- For every 1 second under the 100-seconds you will gain 1-point from the 250-points

- This round will be a Hyper Letters Attack against Apterous Prune
- You will get 300 Pentathlon points for score 160+
- You will lose 1 point from the 300 for every point you are below 160
- You will lose 5-points for every invalid word
- You will lose 10-points for every Phantom letter used
- You will lose 20-points for every blank round

- This round will be a Numbers Attack against Prune.
- Scoring 175+ will get you 250 Pentathlon points
- For every point you score above 175 you will get 2-points added onto the 250 points
- For every point below 175 you will lose 1-point from your Pentathlon score
- You will lose 2 points for every round where you misdeclare
- You will lose 3 points for every round that you blank (Any round where you declare but by more than ten will be considered a blank round)

-For this round I have two different ideas but not sure what idea to implement.
- Players are provided a number of letter attack games against Apterous Prune and must state in the chat when score 300+ points across the games combined. These games would need to be done one after the other.
- Players would play three first-to-100 letters games against Prune and would be required to state in chat when they are starting their attempt and completed the three games.
- Total time to complete the attempts in either idea + any seconds they are behind the leader from the other disciplines would be taken as their time for the running event.
- The winner would be who then ever has the quickest time

Please ask if you have any questions.

Ran from: 3 – 14 July 2023. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andy SC.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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