Elizabeth Beer

Elizabeth Beer Is this the only game card, or will there be a “card 2”?

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas I will do Card 2 if some of you would like another go. Maybe Card 3 as well.

Fiona T

Fiona T It's a great concept even if my own performance was tragic! It would be nice to include numbers below 11 in the bingo too - a couple of gimmes :)

Sean D

Sean D 3 out 80 large numbers were on my card. THREE out of EIGHTY

Piaras Last-Name

Piaras Last-Name I think I got something like 3 as well haha

Florence C-L

Florence C-L Me three...

Martyn Pegram

Martyn Pegram I only got 3, but also missed one. More than happy for another go though.

Adrian Fletcher

Adrian Fletcher I really should've checked the rules before cracking on with the game

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Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas Congratulations to Harry for winning Card 1 with a perfect game.

Tal Lessner

Tal Lessner Alright, now that this game is greyed out, may we congratulate Bra on winning round 1?

Fiona T

Fiona T Stongly suspected that was the case, but still kinda sad. Congrats Bradley!!

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks Cheers! <3

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas Yes, Bradley is now the winner of card 1 so congratulations to him.

Tourney round: Aegilops Bingo: Card 1

<< Sign-up Page | Card 2 >>

Notes from the organizer: Remember that you can only cross off a number in the selection if you reach the target exactly. If a round is impossible then that is just bad luck.

The spreadsheet is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s4FaWcMDo01fBHw30a9-tNykmkbRGRhUDKnZ5S_aIXE/edit?usp=sharing

Good luck everyone!

Ran from: 10 – 18 July 2023. Format: Aegilops Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Martin Thomas.

Fixtures: 45. Completed: 43.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Apterous PruneAdam Latchford0 – 80
Apterous PruneAdrian Fletcher0 – 189
Apterous PruneAndres S.0 – 70
Apterous PruneAndy SC0 – 10
Apterous PruneAnthony Endsor0 – 60
Apterous PruneBobby D0 – 90
Apterous PruneBradley Horrocks0 – 145
Apterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 109
Apterous PruneDamian McEvoy0 – 50
Apterous PruneDan Spinks0 – 130
Apterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 40
Apterous PruneDave Robjohns0 – 110
Apterous PruneEdward Ashcroft0 – 70
Apterous PruneElizabeth Beer0 – 120
Apterous PruneElliott Mellor0 – 163
Apterous PruneFi Thorne0 – 108
Apterous PruneFiona T0 – 90
Apterous PruneFlorence C-L0 – 150
Apterous PruneGeorge Armstrong0 – 136
Apterous PruneHarry Latimer0 – 200
Apterous PruneHazel Drury0 – 110
Apterous PruneIan Volante0 – 159
Apterous PruneIan Wray0 – 90
Apterous PruneJames LavertyUnplayed
Apterous PruneJamie FrenchUnplayed
Apterous PruneJason Turner0 – 110
Apterous PruneJohnny Canuck0 – 136
Apterous PruneMaria Chandler0 – 90
Apterous PruneMark O'Regan0 – 150
Apterous PruneMartin Hurst0 – 170
Apterous PruneMartyn Pegram0 – 140
Apterous PruneMatthew Brockwell0 – 97
Apterous PruneMatthew Tassier0 – 120
Apterous PruneMich R0 – 137
Apterous PruneMike Lee0 – 170
Apterous PruneNiall Cusack0 – 71
Apterous PruneOwen Carroll0 – 139
Apterous PrunePiaras Last-Name0 – 156
Apterous PruneRoger Peak0 – 84
Apterous PruneSean D0 – 20
Apterous PruneSteven Grady0 – 175
Apterous PruneTal Lessner0 – 130
Apterous PruneThomas Carey0 – 90
Apterous PruneTom Cappleman0 – 10
Apterous PruneWesley Barton0 – 100

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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