Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor There is a slight flaw to the scoring system here, in that you lose 2 points for a false declaration, but if you blank you lose 3 points, meaning it is better to falsely declare and try and fudge than not to declare anything. Just wondering really if such fudging ought to be rewarded with a lesser punishment than plain honesty?

Matty Artell

Matty Artell To me, it seems kinda redundant to remove points for blobs anyway, because they're already brutally punished by the scoring system. It's essentially turning a -10 into a -12 or -13

Tourney round: Modern Pentathlon (New): Shooting

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Notes from the organizer: This round will be a Numbers Attack against Apterous Prune.

You will get 250 Pentathlon Points for scoring 175.

For every point you score above 175 you will get 2-points added onto the 250 points.

For every point you score below 175 you will lose 1-point from the 250-points.

You will lose 2-points for every round where you falsely declare.

You will lose 3-points for every round that you blank (Any round where you declare by more than ten will be considered a blank round).

Ran from: 15 – 28 July 2023. Format: Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andy SC.

Fixtures: 32. Completed: 32.

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