John Aziz Curious about this as I've never attended one of these events before and would like to try it. | |
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Andy SC @John - Neither have I. I have participated in a few Live ones that Callum Todd hosted on here and they were good fun. | |
Andy SC One Week left to sign-up for this tournament. | |
Callum Todd Hey Andy, do you know how long we will have per round to play our games please? I like the sound of this tourney but am notoriously bad at getting games played on time so don't want to hold things up. | |
Andy SC @Callum - Was going to give two weeks per round. That seems reasonable enough for people to arrange a few games. | |
J Bartram available today if you want to get the games out of the way. |
Notes from the organizer: Welcome to Non-Live Co: Apterous!
Here's how it will work:
- Players will intially play in Tables of 3 or 4 - this will depend entirely on the number of players entered.
- If it's tables of 3 then players will play 8 games in total. In the tables of 3, the first two rounds will be a random draw with the final two rounds being decided on the standings.
- If it's tables of 4 then players will play 9 games in total. In tables of 4, the first round will be a random draw with the final two rounds being based on rankings
- I'll try and avoid people playing each other twice. Prune will be used if some tables need an extra player to make things beat.
- Once the tables are complete, players will be placed into divisions based on how well they've done. I'll look to have QF, SF and F in each division.
- all games in the tables stage will be Standard 9. Any games in the knockout stage will be Standard 15.
I think that's it all covered. If anybody has any questions please feel free to ask.
Ran from: 18 – 30 July 2023. Format: 9 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Signed up: Ian Volante, Tom Cappleman, Adam Dexter, Jason Turner, Johnny Canuck, Robin M, Tracey Mills, John Aziz, Mike Lee, Matthew Brockwell, Anthony Endsor, Ian Wray, Andy SC, Hazel Drury, Rob Pattison, Dan Byrom, George Armstrong, Mich R, Last Ashwin Hero, Fiona T, Owen Carroll, Dave Robjohns, Maria Chandler, Dave Kempshall, Dan Spinks, Wesley Barton, J Bartram, Andres S., Martyn Pegram, Adam Latchford, Steven Grady, Alex Williamson, Piaras Last-Name, Mark O'Regan, Euan Crabb, Tom Stevenson, Matt Gould, Joe Dobinson, Bobby D, Colin Thompson.
Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.
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