Andy SC Lowest combined score from Round 2a and 2b will be eliminated. If there is a tie for the lowest score than overall tournament score will be taken into account. If there is still a tie then everyone will advance. | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd Was I eliminated from the tourney? | |
Fiona T Looking at the spreadsheet you're currently the lowest scorer, but loads of people haven't played yet so there's a very good chance you will get through to the next round - deadline for games on R1 is 1st September! | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd I know I'm lowest scorer but round 1 hasn't finished yet and people are still to play games but I'm not involved in round 2? I'm presuming it's because I'm the lowest scorer and people still to play will most likely beat my scores | |
Fiona T yes - you're currently the weakest link - as soon as someone scores lower than you, or when the round ends if people haven't played, your R2 games will be added | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd I don't understand this. | |
Fiona T You're currently in the weakest link spot, so in danger of elimination. When you're no longer in the the weakest link spot, your games get added. Everyone else who has played both has games because they're not in danger of elimination. | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd Thank you I get it now. A lesson learned, I shouldn't enter these tourneys and embarras myself by being so bad. | |
Fiona T Aw don't feel like that - those numbers are very hard! Fingers crossed you'll get through and smash the next round :) | |
Bailey Cowell And not all the rounds re hard - I specifically picked an easy format to give those newer players or those with less site experience a chance to be good at a round. | |
Andy SC @Louise - Exactly what Fiona said. Once a player is no longer in the provisional weakest link spot I will add their game for the next round as soon as possible. Some rounds players will have a shorter time period to play games because of this. Just all depends on how it works out. | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd Thanks for picking an easier format Bailey but players like myself will be eliminated before we get to it. I find 6 small difficult so round 1 was impossible for me. | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd Fiona I can't smash the next round im not in it! | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd Thanks Andy, sorry for entering this and wasting your time. I've withdrawn from other tourneys I've entered and won't enter anymore. Thanks again all. | |
Dave Kempshall Louise - I'd highly recommend giving tournaments a chance. You will improve as you go along and there's no shame in a tournament newbie getting to grips with different formats. They are a lot of fun and - if you go out first - what's really lost anyway? (not all tournaments eliminate people as well). | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd Thanks Dave, but I'm terrible at numbers so there's not much point. Words I'm OK at on a good day but even that I'm very inconsistent at. Maybe I'll just look at tournaments with just words or 1 large. Round 1 in this I was terrible at and was very embarrassed to score 0. | |
Andy SC @Louise - You've not wasted my time at all. It could be very likely that somebody doesn't play or complete their Round 1 games thus meaning you would advance to Round 2 but would only be known when Round 1 is completed. | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd I doubt it Andy, I don't even know what CSW is!! | |
Xavier X482cbnntdjcrr65z7rht75rd If I somehow make round 2 although I know I'm not in as name isn't there, please just withdraw me, I can't embarras myself again. | |
Andy SC Louise - CSW is basically English but it's the Scrabble dictionary that's used. So there's a bit of a difference but not too much. I basically played it like I was playing Standard. | |
Show all comments | |
Elwin Carlos @Louise - I doubt you'll be the only player to score zero in that numbers round! If/when you get through to the next round, it may be useful to have a couple of practice attempts at the format first, just so you get a feel for it. It's what I tend to do for formats that give me the willies! | |
Fi Thorne Hey Louise, you haven't embarrassed yourself at all. I always enter these tourneys with the expectation of coming last, then anything else is a bonus! Fortune favours the brave, so better to give it a go and exit first than not to enter at all. Bravery is something to be admired :-) | |
Roger Peak Hi Louise, I scored zero on the Hyper Nasty numbers as well, and that was
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Andy SC That concludes Round 2. Conor storms to the Strongest Link title for this round with an impressive combined total of 280.
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Andy SC Thanks for playing, Piaras. |
Notes from the organizer: It's a double dose of CSW this time it's a CSW 15 against Soap courtesy of Fiona T.
Players overall score is displayed in the notes section.
You can view scores at the following link:
Please try and play games in one sitting.
Ran from: 28 August – 3 September 2023. Format: CSW 15 rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 56. Completed: 56.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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