Tourney round: EFL Championship 2023/24: Match-week 8

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Notes from the organizer: The games keep coming thick and fast - trying to keep up!

Ran from: 23 September – 6 October 2023. Format: Champions League. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: George Armstrong.

Fixtures: 12. Completed: 9.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
BIR-QPRAdam DexterPiaras Last-Name9 – 5
COV-HUDJ BartramJoe Dobinson8 – 7
IPS-BLBMich RAdrian Fletcher6 – 11
LEE-WATDarren GodfreyAlex Williamson8 – 7
LEI-BRCMaria ChandlerMark O'Regan6 – 8
MID-SOUDominic MAnthony Endsor10 – 10
PLY-NORWesley BartonMartyn PegramUnplayed
ROT-PNEDan SpinksMatt Gould4 – 9
STO-HULMatty ArtellJames BurleyUnplayed
SUN-CARIan WrayColin Thompson9 – 7
SWA-SHWJason TurnerOwen CarrollUnplayed
WBA-MILM S REuan Crabb10 – 6

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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