Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Couple of notes:
Adam L's cumulative total is 955.
Archie has a penalty for persistent mid-game disconnections and his adjusted score this round is 100.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier A great performance to max this round from Florence who is Strongest Link for the second consecutive round. Chris H's 197 takes him to the top of the cumulative points standings, thanks to not scoring any lower than 197 so far in the tournament.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Andy is saved this round by Archie, while two weakest link stalwarts, Anthony and Tracey find themselve short of the survival line. Anthony, Tracey and Archie you are the Weakest Links. Goodbye!

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Thanks for organising it was fun !

Tourney round: Weakest Link Numbers Tournament 2023: Round 6 - Duckdown

<< Round 5 - Unlimited Junior | Round 7 - Lockdown Junior >>

Notes from the organizer: Round six will be played in Duckdown format against Apterous Prune. In Duckdown possible targets are 101-1999 and you get 7 numbers to use rather than 6 but you must "duck" (not use) one of them. Prune won't interfere so it's just you against the numbers on this one.

Some stats for this round:
Expected competitors: 57
Weakest Links required: 3
Most Duckdown Strongest Links: 3 - Tom Cappleman
Most Duckdown Weakest Links: 3 - Jonny D
Highest average Duckdown WL score: 190.67 - Elliott Mellor (6 games)
Previous rounds vs this bot: 2018 Round 7 ( )
For more stats see spreadsheet linked below.

The THREE lowest scoring players will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest scores then the tiebreak will be total score in the tournament so far (see notes by matches below).

Tournament progress can be followed here:

Good duck!

Ran from: 9 – 22 October 2023. Format: Duckdown Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 57. Completed: 57.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
994Apterous PruneMartin Hurst0 – 191
994Apterous PruneDave Robjohns0 – 191
994Apterous PruneChris Hare0 – 197
991Apterous PruneSam Cappleman-Lynes0 – 190
984Apterous PruneMatthew Brockwell0 – 177
981Apterous PruneRonan M Higginson0 – 194
978Apterous PruneBrendan Whitehurst0 – 174
978Apterous PruneJack Worsley0 – 182
975Apterous PruneTom Cappleman0 – 190
975Apterous PruneTim Down0 – 190
974Apterous PruneEdward Ashcroft0 – 180
974Apterous PruneSean D0 – 147
971Apterous PruneJamie French0 – 185
971Apterous PruneConor Travers0 – 174
967Apterous PruneFlorence C-L0 – 200
965Apterous PruneGeorge Armstrong0 – 194
962Apterous PruneBen H0 – 190
959Apterous PruneAdrian Fletcher0 – 191
958Apterous PruneElizabeth Beer0 – 171
Apterous PruneAdam Latchford0 – 171
952Apterous PruneArchie T R0 – 190
951Apterous PruneAnthony Endsor0 – 130
951Apterous PruneIan Wray0 – 165
948Apterous PruneGevin Chapwell0 – 191
945Apterous PruneBradley Horrocks0 – 174
945Apterous PruneJonny D0 – 176
941Apterous PruneTony Atkins0 – 158
941Apterous PruneAdam Dexter0 – 185
941Apterous PruneMich R0 – 171
933Apterous PruneMatty Artell0 – 156
931Apterous PruneFiona T0 – 167
928Apterous PruneMartin Thomas0 – 147
925Apterous PruneWesley Barton0 – 150
921Apterous PruneTracey Mills0 – 117
921Apterous PruneAndy SC0 – 136
919Apterous PruneDan Spinks0 – 181
918Apterous PruneDarren Godfrey0 – 157
912Apterous PruneJason Turner0 – 184
912Apterous PruneRobin M0 – 152
897Apterous PruneThomas Carey0 – 137
897Apterous PruneDamian McEvoy0 – 188
894Apterous PruneJason C.0 – 145
980Apterous PruneElliott Mellor0 – 180
935Apterous PruneAlex Williamson0 – 162
924Apterous PruneMaria Chandler0 – 171
921Apterous PruneChris Butler0 – 150
971Apterous PruneSam Shepherd0 – 166
926Apterous PruneSteven Grady0 – 138
929Apterous PrunePiaras Last-Name0 – 154
942Apterous PruneDan Byrom0 – 197
955Apterous PruneNeil Collins0 – 150
949Apterous PruneMike Lee0 – 191
951Apterous PruneMartyn Pegram0 – 160
898Apterous PruneM S R0 – 141
908Apterous PruneArthur P0 – 168
947Apterous PruneTal Lessner0 – 194
948Apterous PruneJon Elmer0 – 178

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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