Adam Latchford very solid start. will play mine saturday. lets hope relations doesnt pop up and leave me in a crisis | |
Thomas Carey Will do mine at the airport tonight if I'm not playing like beans on toast | |
Thomas Carey
| |
Andy SC After 55 rounds and several months of excitement, we have a winner.
Notes from the organizer: Here's a quick review of the three finalists progress in the tournament:
Overall Points:
Sam Cappleman-Lynes - 7826
Thomas Carey - 6638
Adam Latchford - 6603
Strongest Links:
Sam Cappleman-Lynes - 7
Adam Latchford - 4
Thomas Carey - 0
However, none of that will matter in the final. Overall tournament score will mean nothing. If there is a tie for the highest score in the final then the players will play a head-to-head round against other playing to the format that came second in the voting. If there is a three way tie then everyone will play another round.
Now time for the reveal of the format for the final with 4-votes in total it is.... Standard 15 against Apterous Rex
Ran from: 31 October – 3 November 2023. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 3. Completed: 3.
Player 1 | Player 2 | Status |
Apterous Rex | Sam Cappleman-Lynes | 135 – 117 |
Apterous Rex | Thomas Carey | 131 – 81 |
Apterous Rex | Adam Latchford | 132 – 100 |
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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