Bradley Horrocks It has been a tight contest, but we do finally have a winner. Andy played well to lead the field as the only player on 4 wins, but sadly for him Velvet was a step too far. The baton was passed to the 2 win crew. T-Cap was the first to take advantage, swiftly overtaken by Matt and then by Adam after a big 126 in his 15 rounder. It looked to be all over as Dan reached the winning post, until the eejit hosting realised Dan had the wrong bot! Dan suffered defeat to Plum in the amended game, which means joining MSR, Joseph H and Dave Robjohns on the BYB champions list is Adam Latchford! Congrats to him, and kudos to MSR for the idea. We may see BYB reincarnated in a year's time :) | |
Adam Latchford Lovely surprise. Felt I was out of the running after early rounds. Have a great new year everyone | |
Thomas Carey Meh, I'll take winning the round. Cheers for hosting brahag happy new year x | |
Dave Kempshall Cheers for hosting Bradley. Good fun. Congrats Adam | |
Etho Burrow Great tournament, all! :] |
Notes from the organizer: The final round for those playing 15 rounders for 2 wins.
Andy leads the way on 4 wins, with Martin, Matty, Tasneem, Jason and Dan S just behind on 3. Shout out to Matty who climbed from 40th to 3rd in a flash, beating Rex in round 5! There are also 23 players on 2 wins, all playing for a pivotal double win.
Good luck to all in your final game!
Ran from: 30 – 31 December 2023. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 25. Completed: 23.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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