Rhys Benjamin England 3 - 0 Sri Lanka | |
Sarah M i really don't understand the scoring in this, i did win 1 game | |
Sarah M did i not lose 5-1? | |
Stu Harkness Looks like each match is played over two games.
| |
Rhys Benjamin Yes, that's what two legs means. | |
Stu Harkness Good to know where everyone stands. Two legs. | |
Sarah M I still don't understand how I lost 3-0 and not 5-1? Can anyone please explain? | |
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Colin Thompson If you see in the notes there are two innings to each test, so it is the aggregate of these two games to determine who wins the test | |
Sarah M But there were 6 games? | |
Sarah M Why is only the score of 2 games counted? | |
Colin Thompson The 6 games made up 3 matches, each match has 2 innings just like real cricket, apart from the fact it's jumbled up letters :) | |
Sarah M I'm not a fan of cricket so maybe that's why I'm not understanding :) |
Notes from the organizer: England vs Sri Lanka
This series has 3 tests.
A reminder that matches are TWO legs each.
Ran from: 24 – 29 February 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 6. Completed: 6.
Notes | Player 1 | Player 2 | Status |
1st Test, 1st Innings | Sarah M | Colin Thompson | 90 – 99 |
1st Test, 2nd Innings | Sarah M | Colin Thompson | 86 – 110 |
2nd Test, 1st Innings | Sarah M | Colin Thompson | 79 – 95 |
2nd Test, 2nd Innings | Sarah M | Colin Thompson | 53 – 76 |
3rd Test, 1st Innings | Sarah M | Colin Thompson | 71 – 63 |
3rd Test, 2nd Innings | Sarah M | Colin Thompson | 62 – 90 |
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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