Philip Aston

Philip Aston Next round draw?

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall I did try and arrange my game, but had no response.

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey let's say thursday at 1:30pm, before that tv show we like. waiting on one game that will almost certainly be played before then, if the others still haven't they're both easy calls. cheers

Tourney round: Apterous Masters 2024: Second preliminary round

<< First preliminary round | Third preliminary round >>

Notes from the organizer: Yeah some first round games are still happening but might as well get this underway innit good luck!!!

Ran from: 8 – 26 May 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Thomas Carey.

Fixtures: 16. Completed: 15.

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