Andy SC

Andy SC Just under two weeks left to sign-up

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Matthew Brockwell

Matthew Brockwell "For the tournament you are required to pick a format and not for a round that everyone in the round will play." is a bit confusing. Have I interpreted the instructions correctly as you pick a format for the mass-participation rounds (which you will play if you reach said round) and one for the finals (which will become part of the random selection the final round is draw from unless you are a part of it)?

Andy SC

Andy SC @Matthew - 'not' is actually meant to read 'bot' which makes a lot more sense. So from Round 1 to whatever number round is required, people will pick a format and bot which will be guaranteed to be played in one of those rounds. For the final, it will be whatever format and bot combo gets the most votes once the finalists choices are removed. Hope that makes more sense.

Andy SC

Andy SC One week left to sign-up. If players don't pick a format and bot before the deadline, they will randomly have one selected for them.

Andy SC

Andy SC Sign-ups close on Friday.

Andy SC

Andy SC Last day to sign up.

Tourney round: People's Choice Weakest Link 2024: Sign-up page

Round 1a: Duckdown Letters Attack >>

Notes from the organizer: What's better than one Weakest Link themed tournament happening? Another one taking place shortly after it.

People's Choice Weakest Link returns for 2024. You can review how the 2023 edition went down here:

For the tournament you are required to pick a format and not for a round that everyone in the round will play. You can pick absolutely any format that appears on the high-scores page:

Please send me your choice via aptomail in the following way:

Also you'll be required to pick a format that the three finalists will play. If you reach the final then your vote will be void. Your vote for the final can be different from your other choice but if you can submit it in the same way that would be perfect.

Now here's the rules on gameplay:
- Lowest scoring player will be eliminated in each round. If there is a tie for lowest scoring player in any round then overall tournament score will be considered. If there is still a tie then everyone will advance.
- If half the players in any round tie for lowest score then everyone will advance.
- Everyone will get two games in Round 1 and Round 2. This is to allow everyone's pick to played before the final. This includes me entering but not picking a format.
- If no player is eliminated in around I will then pick a format and bot at the next available opportunity in order to accommodate the extra round.

Round 1 will start on the 22nd June. Round 2 will start on the 24th June. Round 3 will start on 26th June. Each round after that will start the following day from the previous. Each round will have a one week time limit. Players are encouraged to play their games at the earliest opportunity. I'll add any games as quickly as possible when possible. So please keep an eye out for any games that you might have to play.

NOTE : Games should be played in a single sitting (barring unforeseen problems), after all there's no passing and coming back later in The Weakest Link. This also helps makes things easier for me to keep track of.

Good luck and enjoy the tournament. Feel free to ask any questions if you wish.

Ran from: 26 May – 21 June 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andy SC.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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