Fiona T

Fiona T Grrr - you always spot the mistake just after hitting commit - you need to choose at least three options in order to get your pass in six subjects!

Fiona T

Fiona T History, PE and Childcare are good options for people who don't like weird variants or foreign languages! (goat is much like normal letters except you choose the last letter in the selection)

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Do we have Scottish equivalents? :D

David Holmes

David Holmes N00b question here. Where do I find aptomail?!

Fiona T

Fiona T My stuff/My aptomail, or click on my name and click 'Send aptomail' :)

Fiona T

Fiona T OK - obviously scores don't fall into nice neat whole percentages - the start of the higher band will be anything above the top of the lower band, so 40.01 will fall into band 4 :)

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley Fiona, is this a tourney I could enter without doing any optional subjects? Thanks

Fiona T

Fiona T not really - you need to "pass" 6 subjects to pass your aptolevels, but the subjects in the comments above are very similar to normal variants.

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley OK. Can you tell me what Old 15 and Marathon formats are please?

Fiona T

Fiona T Both are a mixture of letters, numbers and a conundrum at the end. Old 15 is the format that used to be used on the TV with one fewer numbers and one more letters, marathon is 26 rounds with 20 letters, 5 numbers and once conundrum

Fiona T

Fiona T All candidates are encouraged to check the subject of their exam papers is as expected before commencing their exams

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley Final question. Sorry. Is the tourney against bots or people? Thanks

Fiona T

Fiona T against prune :)

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley I just tried unlimited letters attack and didn't really understand what I was doing, so I'll have to give this one a miss I think. Thanks for answering my questions

Fiona T

Fiona T You don't need to do them all - pick three that you can play. but no-one gets the weird variants on their first go - it takes practice!

Fi Thorne

Fi Thorne Great idea!

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford Took russian without realising my distinction and my merit are now absolutely in the mud. I'll pass through six subjects though!

Fiona T

Fiona T David Holmes completes his aptolevels and is awarded a pass, with strong performances in Maths, English and PE! Well done David, an excellent foundation for your future apto career!

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley Well done David

Fiona T

Fiona T Colin Thompson achieves an aptolevel pass! He scored well in English, Maths and History. A solid set of results. Well done Colin!

Fiona T

Fiona T Dave Robjohns is awarded his aptolevels with Merit. An excellent set of results including 100% in his Maths exam, he misses out on a distinction only on his science score. Well done Dave - your apto future looks bright!

Fiona T

Fiona T Sarah Matthews is awarded a pass! A steady performance with an excellent PE result! Well done Sarah!

Sarah  M

Sarah M thank you! funny as PE and Art was the only things i liked at school! funnily enough i hated maths and failed it!

David Holmes

David Holmes And I didn't even pull any revision all nighters.

Fiona T

Fiona T Tom Cappleman is the latest candidate to pass his aptolevels! Taking a whopping 13 subjects, he managed an impressive 5 level 9s, including a 100% maths score, and 4 level 8s. Brilliant stuff :) If there is an area for improvement, he probably needs to pay more attention in his politics classes!

Fiona T

Fiona T A very solid set of results for Stephen Elsley gets him his apto-levels pass! Enjoy your summer knowing your exams are successfully put behind you Stephen! Well done :)

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley Thank you Fiona. Thought I was going to get a new high score on conundrum attack, but difficult to rectify mistakes on a mobile

Fiona T

Fiona T An outstanding set of results from Florence, who, like Dave, passes with merit just missing out on distinction thanks to a harder than expected Science exam! Florence is the first candidate to score 100% in Further Maths and achieved excellent results across the board. Congratulations Florence and good luck with your future apto-studies!

Fiona T

Fiona T Ian Wray achieves a pass having entered for an broad 10 subjects and achieving level 5 or above in 9 of them with top grades in maths and further maths! Well done Ian, and good luck with your future aptostudies!

Fiona T

Fiona T Sean D passes his aptolevels, having been examined in 11 subjects, scoring highly in most and missing out on merit just with his German result. Well done Sean. Sehr gut!

Fiona T

Fiona T Mike Lee passes his aptolevels with Merit! An excellent set of results, he scored levels 8 and 9s in most subjects, just missing out on a distinction just from the tricky science exam. Well done Mike!

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Pesky science exam. Was much easier in last year’s past paper!!

Fiona T

Fiona T A steady performance in all his subjects gains Dave Kempshall a pass with merit! Well done Dave!

Fiona T

Fiona T An excellent set of results from Cillian, who scores 5 level 9s and 1 level 8 to pass with merit, only missing out on distinction with that difficult science exam! Lovely work, well done.

Fiona T

Fiona T Johnny Canuck passes with merit, being the first candidate so far to achieve top grade in all three core subjects, including the tricky science exam! Good work Johnny!

Fiona T

Fiona T A very solid set of results from Dan Spinks for an Aptolevel pass! He did particularly well in maths and further maths, and like many other candidates, just missed out on a merit with the difficult science exam! Good work Dan!

Fiona T

Fiona T An excellent pass from Roger Peak, who sat the maximum 13 subjects, scoring well across the board and becoming the first candidate to achieve a level 5 in German. Great work Roger!

Damian McEvoy limited his choices to arguably the hardest set of subjects. He achieved good passes in the core exams, but perhaps regrets not sitting some of the more popular options to boost his chances of aptolevel success!

Fiona T

Fiona T Ian Volante achieves a pass with a consistent set of grades, again only missing out on a merit with his science exam! Nicely done Ian!

Fiona T

Fiona T Adam Latchford chose some tricky options and achieves an aptolevel pass, with some excellent results including 3 9s and 3 8s. His diligent revision paid off and earnt him a noteworthy level 5 in the very difficult Latin exam! Well done Adam!

Fiona T

Fiona T Ben Bazzard passed his aptolevels in six subjects with good scores, like others being denied the merit by his science exam! A relative newcomer to apterous, it's a great foundation for his future aptostudies! Well done Ben!

Ben Bazzard

Ben Bazzard Such positive feedback, Fiona! (I must remember to use some of that with my pupils!
Thanks for putting together a fun idea here :D

Fiona T

Fiona T Stephen R sat nine subjects and, having scored 100% both in maths and the difficult science exam, was promising to be the first candidate to achieve distinction, but an unfortunate error on the last question of the childcare paper means he passes with merit. With 6 level 9s and 2 level 8s he should be very proud of his performance. Well done Stephen!

Fiona T

Fiona T A very decent set of results from Jon Stitcher gains him his aptolevel pass, again with just the science exam costing him the merit! A good effort, Jon. Well done!

Fiona T

Fiona T Jason Turner limited his options to an additional three subjects, and sadly had a bit of a nightmare in his food tech exam! He scored consistently well in his other 5 subjects and would have been on target for a merit if the recipes had been friendlier! Hard luck Jason!

Fiona T

Fiona T I forgot to mention Jason's 100% score in his maths exam - the first time he's achieved that level! Brilliant stuff, Well done Jason :D

Fiona T

Fiona T An aptolevel pass for Wesley Barton who sat 7 subjects, and again just missed the merit on science! Well done Wesley on a good set of results!

Fiona T

Fiona T A pass with merit for Anthony Endsor, who took six subjects, achieving consistently good grades! Well done Anthony!

Fiona T

Fiona T A good set of results from Elizabeth Beer achieves an aptolevel pass! Elizabeth loves her numbers, and this showed with her scoring level 9s in both maths and further maths! Well done Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Beer

Elizabeth Beer Thanks Fiona, and thanks for running this fun tourney!

Fiona T

Fiona T A lovely set of results from Dan Byrom, who passes with merit having entered seven subjects, achieving 5 9s, an 8 and just the 7 for childcare denying him the distinction! Well done Dan!

Fiona T

Fiona T Like Jason, Steven Oldham narrowed his options to three subjects and got tripped up by some very tricky recipes in Food Tech! Decent passes in the core subjects and a strong history result show his capabilities. Unlucky this time Steven!

Fiona T

Fiona T Martin Thomas passes, achieving level 5 or above in an impressive 13 subjects, with several level 8s and 9s! He becomes the first to reach level 5 in the tricky Hebrew exam. Excellent work Martin, well done!

Fiona T

Fiona T Andy SC also attempted 13 subjects, and achieves a pass with decent grades in the core subjects, humanities and PE. Well done Andy (and apologies for the delay in results!)

Fiona T

Fiona T A consistently good set of results over 8 subjects gives Matthew Tassier an aptolevel pass with merit! Matthew performed particularly well in maths and further maths, achieving level 9s in both subjects! Well done Matthew!

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Thanks, Miss. Thinking about my A-level choices now.

Fiona T

Fiona T Congratulations to Elwin Carlos who passes his apto-levels, having sat the full 13 subjects! Solid performances in the core subjects bode well for his apto-future! Well done Elwin!

Fiona T

Fiona T M S R also achieves an aptolevel pass, having used the full time allocated for the exams! Notably he achieved his best ever score for his English exam - well done, MSR - we look forward to seeing what you will go on to achieve in the future!

Show all comments
Fiona T

Fiona T Thomas Carey passes with merit! Sitting 11 subjects, he scored consistently well, achieving the highest foreign language score of the exam session with an impressive level 8 in his German! Excellent work Thomas!

Fiona T

Fiona T The exam season draws to a conclusion. Thank you to everyone who entered for their apto-levels this year! We had 41 candidates and overall the set of results was very pleasing. Two candidates failed to select their options and therefore were not entered for their exams, leaving 39 candidates who sat at least some of their exams.

Five candidates did not sit enough of their exams to be awarded a grade, but all did well in the subjects they did sit - the exam board hopes that you will complete your studies in the future.

Of the remaining 34 candidates, 20 achieved passes and 11 achieved merits! Very well done to you all, and commiserations to those who didn't quite make it, having been tripped up by some tricky subjects - we are confident that you can achieve success in future exam seasons!

Fiona T

Fiona T No-one achieved distinction on this occasion, but the exam board was impressed that those candidates who could have limited their options to meet the criteria instead chose to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge selecting options in the more difficult subjects.

Everybody who sat their core exams achieved grade 5 or above, which is very pleasing, but the science exam proved particularly difficult, causing many candidates to drop a grade. The grade boundaries were not generous to borderline scores. However two candidates - Hazel and Stephen - did score 100% showing that with sufficient diligence and hard work, it is achievable! The language exams were exceptionally difficult with the exams set being intended for native speakers, so the exam board is very impressed by your efforts, and particularly by those who did achieve a level 5 or higher, with special mentions for Thomas who achieved level 8 in German, and Maria who achieved level 7 in French!

Fiona T

Fiona T Thank you all for working well and behaving nicely through the exam season - and the exam board wishes you best of luck with your future apto studies!

David Holmes

David Holmes Thank you for organising, Fiona. I'm off to burn my Apterous school tie!

Tourney round: Aptolevels: sign-ups

English >>

Notes from the organizer: Exam season is upon us, so it's time to test yourself with Aptolevels!

In order to pass your Aptolevels you need to score a grade 5 in six subjects, including the three core subjects. You may sit as many optional subjects as you wish, but in order to pass you should choose at least two. If you score level 8 or above in all your subjects, you will pass with Distinction. If you score level 6 or above in all your subjects, you will pass with Merit.

There is no tournament winner as such, the aim is to pass your Aptolevels and give yourself a pat on the back :)

Grading will be based on the % of the max that you score - 0-10 = Ungraded, 11-20 = 1, 21-30 = 2, 31-40 = 3, 41-50 = 4, 51-60 = 5, 61-70 = 6, 71-80 = 7, 81-90 = 8 and 91-100 = 9.

All candidates will required to sit the three core subjects -

English - Letters Attack
Maths - Number Attack
Science - Conundrum Attack

For core subjects only, if you fail to achieve a level 5, you will be allowed a foundation level resit (same format but the junior variant) but the maximum grade awarded will be 5 (awarded for scores of 51-100)

Optional subjects are -

Modern Foreign Languages - choose from a French, German OR Spanish LA
History - Old 15
Geography - Unlimited LA
Classics - choose from a Greek OR Latin LA
PE - Marathon
Childcare - Goat Attack (goat - kids - geddit...?)
Food Technology - Omelette 15
Politics - choose from Hebrew OR Russian LA
Further Maths - Hyper NA
RE - Spoilage (there seems to be a lot of praying involved)

The tournament will run throughout June and games will be added when you sign up. Please aptomail me which of the optional subjects you would like to be examined in, and for the language and politics, which flavour.

Spreadsheet here

Ran from: 3 June – 1 July 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Fiona T.

Signed up: Jon Stitcher, Ian Volante, Tom Cappleman, Matthew Tassier, Jason Turner, Jamie French, Cillian McM, Johnny Canuck, Thomas Carey, John Aziz, Mike Lee, Anthony Endsor, Sean D, Ian Wray, Andy SC, Hazel Drury, Martin Hurst, Dan Byrom, Steven Oldham, Martin Thomas, Elizabeth Beer, Dave Robjohns, M S R, Elwin Carlos, Maria Chandler, Dave Kempshall, Damian McEvoy, Dan Spinks, Wesley Barton, Roger Peak, Adam Latchford, Fi Thorne, Florence C-L, Mark O'Regan, Sarah M, Stephen Elsley, Colin Thompson, Ben Bazzard, David Holmes.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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