Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Sounds good. Can we have spreadsheet access please?

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Always forget that "restricted" is the default. Should be working now. Variants are listed on the sheet.

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck "For example, if your target was 625, solving it bang on would score 625, but going 10 above for 635 would score you additional points."

So we can usually just declare the product of all six of the numbers every time and multiply them to get the largest possible result?

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Unfortunately not, as you wouldn't be able to declare and solve that in the round would you? Can only go 10 higher than the target.

Andy SC

Andy SC No doubt someone will get shafted by a lot of low-numbered target rounds (probably me).

Will you be checking to ensure that people are not leaving the room during games in order to get higher targets?

Tal Lessner

Tal Lessner Assuming most players will not have too many problems getting within +10/+9/+8 of every target (since we'll play 1/2L). Isn't this tourney just about luck?

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Part luck, but you've still got to solve what's in front of you. Might help give people who don't normally win a chance.

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Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck What's the penalty for not playing in a single sitting? What does that actually affect (there's no letters pile to reset)? I pulled a Monica on Round 1 and did the rest of the rounds together

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Kudos for honesty, might depend on whether your R2 target is 101 or 999 ;)

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck R20 surely

Mike Lee

Mike Lee George, for full disclosure, the Aegi and Omelette numbers apply stepdown scoring so a 10 above declaration wouldn’t be possible.

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Well spotted. Here, have 10000 additional tourney points <3 .

Will make a point to mention it on the appropriate days

Tourney round: The Bigger The Better: Sign Ups

Monday - Normal >>

Notes from the organizer: Welcome to "The Bigger The Better", a new quick fire numbers tournament.

The aim of the game is to score as highly as possible in 7 different Numbers Attacks. However, rather than your traditional X/200 final score, your score will instead be the sum of the numbers you have successfully declared and solved.

For example, if your target was 625, solving it bang on would score 625, but going 10 above for 635 would score you additional points. In theory, the higher the target, the harder the round, so getting one tricky 1008 would be the equivalent of getting four easier 252s.

Sign ups will be open until Sunday 16th June (sign up by like 10pm so I don't accidentally miss you off), with the tournament lasting Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd. Each game will be active for one day and is to be played in a single sitting. All the variants chosen allow the players to choose their declarations and adopt the traditional 101-999 target range, so no ridiculously high targets which might otherwise skew the scores.

Any questions feel free to ask. Let's be havin' you!

Ran from: 8 – 16 June 2024. Format: Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: George Armstrong.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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