Alan O'Sullivan I didnt read the 9 rule! doh! | |
George Armstrong I mean I forgot it once. Was a straightforward round too! | |
Alan O'Sullivan i only coppied it form rd 4 and forgot it 3 more times throughout. V difficult for me! | |
Fiona T I think it's a common theme... ! | |
Maria Chandler Oops didn't have a chance to play round 2 or 3. is it too late? In which case, feel free to remove me from the tourney George. So sorry! |
Notes from the organizer: Egg.
Thanks to Mike for the reminder that you can only declare NINE either side of the target today.
Ran from: 19 – 19 June 2024. Format: Omelette Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 25. Completed: 25.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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