Matt OC

Matt OC Anyone know if Callum will be coming back to the site? He has 0 trial games remaining and hasn't logged in since the 12th?

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey Spoke to Callum at Durham, we'll make it happen.

Obviously a lot of games still unplayed here so I'll give another week for this, sorry, my fault been very busy and not sent out reminders and stuff. 15th new deadline cheers. Thanks to all who have played

Conor Travers

Conor Travers Do you think it would be a good idea to fix the whole bracket at the last 32 stage, instead of with a random draw each round? This would allow fixtures to be populated and playable as they are determined, rather than each round progressing at the speed of the slowest pair.

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey Eh, it's always worked fine before this, and I'm reluctant to change a 16 year old format. I'm usually a lot more on it with sending out reminder emails and stuff, it's just been a pretty crazy month. Will stick to deadlines better for future rounds

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey Draw for next round Sunday at let's say 7pm. cheers for being patient <3

Tourney round: Apterous Masters 2024: Round of 32

<< Third preliminary round | ro32 extra time >>

Notes from the organizer: Everyone's in now, good luck!

Ran from: 19 June – 7 July 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: Best-of-3. Approved.

Organizers: Thomas Carey.

Fixtures: 16. Completed: 13.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0445 seconds. It's 13:42:18 on Wednesday 15 January 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.