Dave Robjohns Apologies, forgot to switch on draws here. | |
Adam Latchford oh no i didn't get the rules fully and thought quickest overall just straight up won here :'( | |
Andy SC Can we win if we play all three conundrums from each position? | |
Mike Lee This would have been better had it been nice conundrums. Very much luck of the draw about what conundrums you get so it feels like its over before its even begun. | |
Adam Latchford Feel like nice conundrums might legitimately just not end. I'd back the opposite to be fair with nasty conundrums | |
Mike Lee But thats where the time thing can come in. | |
Dave Kempshall One tournament organising feature that would be incredibly useful (I've seen a ticket requesting it, but can't seem to find it) is a tick box that says: "All players to be given same selections". Basically, the same as the duel. Like the duel spectacting and aptochat notifications would need to be disabled if you tick the box. | |
Dave Kempshall The major problem is that game results non-hyperlinked on the tournament page and people's 'recent games' profiles as well, which is why I assume it wasn't implemented. | |
Show all comments | |
Dave Kempshall game results would need to be * | |
Stu Harkness China be storming the tennis tho Mike | |
Dave Robjohns No tournament option for nice/nasty x3.
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Dave Robjohns Event 7 of 100:
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Jason Turner BOOM |
Notes from the organizer: In shooting's "rifle three positions" events, you shoot from kneeling, prone and standing positions. Here, you will shoot at three conundrums, and if you hit all three, I'll ramp up the difficulty by sending you on to play the next bot.
The winner will be the last player standing, with tie breaks being successful conundrums (e.g 2/3 beats 1/3) then total correct solve times.
Ran from: 22 June – 1 July 2024. Format: Conundrum x3. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 44. Completed: 44.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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