Matthew Brockwell Adrian has never played a Catalan Letters Attack - a true spoiler pick! | |
Andy SC @Matthew - Adrian was one of the few players who never submitted me a format choice. Therefore this round was selected at random. | |
Matthew Brockwell Ah ok, that makes more sense. | |
Dave Kempshall Oh dear | |
Adam Latchford It's weird to score 43 in a letters attack, be currently the weakest link but be completely confident I'll make it through | |
Mike Lee I had the same in the previous round with the aegi numbers, knowing the 188 was good but having to wait a couple of days for it to actually be safe | |
Dave Kempshall Two 9s and two pencils. Top work. | |
Adam Latchford Top guessing | |
Show all comments | |
Dave Kempshall The most frustrating thing I've found practising is getting a nice 7 or 8 guess and then watching prime get an 8 or 9. | |
Matthew Brockwell Anyone have an idea of why Prime seems to play at a much higher standard when practising against him then in these games? | |
Adam Latchford On your practice it looks like prime was on crack. Prime is a horrid bot for this round cos awesome but can blank. "Adrian" did everyone left dirty | |
Dave Kempshall My two scoring rounds were wild guesses. Slightly disappointed that medianes didn't get me points. 15 is higher than my practice average though. | |
Andy SC Florence takes the Strongest Link crown for this round.
Notes from the organizer: Player picking: Adrian Fletcher
Format: Catalan Letters Attack
Bot: Apterous Prime
Games should be played in a single sitting (barring unforeseen problems), after all there's no passing and coming back later in The Weakest Link. This also helps makes things easier for me to keep track of. Points deduction may be applied at the organisers discretion. If there is an issue with playing the game in one sitting then it's the players responsibility to let me know.
Lowest scoring player will be eliminated. If there is a tie for lowest scoring player then overall tournament score will be taken into account. If there is still a tie then everyone will advance. If at least half the players score 0 then everyone will advance.
Tournament progression can be followed here:
Ran from: 26 July – 1 August 2024. Format: Catalan Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 8. Completed: 8.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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