Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford Can't wait for SCL to enter, hit 30 back to back 165 games and annihilate everyone

Andy SC

Andy SC That would basically be the 2020 Royal Rumble repeated.

Ross K

Ross K But that’s the best Rumble

Andy SC

Andy SC Sign-ups will close upon the conclusion of Sunday's ATP tournament. At that a draw will take place for the running order of the Individual and tag-team Royal Rumble.

Andy SC

Andy SC Today is the last day to sign-up

Tourney round: Royal Rumble: 2024: Sign-ups

<< 2023: Tag-Team | 2024: Individual >>

Notes from the organizer: It's for Apterous's Premier Wrestling themed tournament... ROYAL RUMBLE.

Last year we had an Individual and Tag Team Royal Rumble which both went down a treat. This year they will both happen along with the Battle Royal I did a few years ago.

If you sign-up, I will assume that you wish to enter all three events. Alternatively you can enter what you want but you will be required to let me know. All games will be against Prune.

1. Two players will enter the tournament in Round 1.
2. A new player will enter each subsequent round.
3. To remain in the tournament each round you must score within 25% of the highest score of the round.
4. Failure to play a game will result in elimination.
5. The round after the last player enters, the percentage threshold will decrease by 1% each round until there is a winner.

1. Players will be seeded into teams based on the pro ranks from the week sign-ups close.
2. From all the players that participate, someone from the top half of the seeding will be drawn with someone from the bottom half.
3. Two teams will start in Round 1.
4. A new team will enter each subsequent round.
5. To remain in the tournament, each team must score within 20% of the highest scoring team.
6. The round after the last team enters, the percentage threshold will decrease by 1% until we have a winner.

1. Everyone that sign-ups will start in Round 1.
2. To remain in the tournament each round you must score within 25% of the highest scoring player.
3. Once we get to 10 or under 10 players then the percentage threshold will decrease by 1% each round until we have a winner.

All games will be Standard 15 against Apterous Prune.

Ran from: 12 – 29 September 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andy SC.

Signed up: Ian Volante, Tom Cappleman, Adam Dexter, Matthew Tassier, Jason Turner, Stephen R, Johnny Canuck, Gerry Tynan, Chris Hare, Robin M, Thomas Carey, Matt OC, Mike Lee, Neil Collins, Trevor MacEoin, Matthew Brockwell, Anthony Endsor, Sean D, Ian Linton, Brett Davids, Liam O, Patrick Thompson, James C, Andy SC, Hazel Drury, Martin Hurst, Dan Byrom, Mich R, Martin Thomas, Fiona T, Owen Carroll, Elwin Carlos, Maria Chandler, Dave Kempshall, Damian McEvoy, Luke S, Dan Spinks, Wesley Barton, Roger Peak, J Bartram, Andres S., Adam Latchford, Fi Thorne, Alex Williamson, Florence C-L, Adam Peel, Mark O'Regan, Euan Crabb, Matt Gould, Adrian Fletcher, Sarah Binns, Ross K, Colin Thompson, Richard Barnett, Ben Bazzard, Tom B, Lee Mcgookin, Jon Pinyan, David Holmes, Steven Harding, Dan Southwell, Samuel Louis, Trevor Potts.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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